fall and Halloween traditions


During the month of October, we love finding fun ways to celebrate the spirit of Halloween and fall throughout the month! We baked sugar cookies and cut them into pumpkins, painted fake pumpkins from the craft store and cooked pancake stacks with orange and black sprinkles! 


Here are some of our favorite fall activities:

·      Boo’ing our neighbors
·      Creating family costumes
·      Baking pumpkin pie
·      Butternut squash soup
·      Decorating with bats and webs
·      Trick-or-treating
·      Hay rides
·      Apple cider/hot cocoa
·      Roasting pumpkin seeds

·      Raking and jumping in leaves
·      Apple picking
·      Pumpkin patches
·      Halloween pancakes
·      Painting pumpkins
·      Pumpkin carvings
·      Baking Halloween cookies
·      Watching spooky (family friendly) movies
·      Reading spooky children’s books


Below you'll see our two costumes this year! Charlotte's Web and Jurassic Park-family edition! We also went to the farmer's market, played in crunchy leaves and Boo'd our fairy garden!