We’re not only celebrating Father’s Day this year, but Blake finished his MBA with a 4.0, graduated from a rigorous military school, and got promoted to Major, so we have a LOT to celebrate!

We’ve updated our father’s day (+ beyond) gift guide this year and I have to say…it’s now probably my favorite gift guide on the blog! (And that’s saying a lot considering there’s about 20 ha!) These ideas would be great for birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, and Christmas too!

I think it’s mostly because EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of these items are used religiously in our household, and Blake and I have truly grown to love and appreciate them all. He put a lot of thought into these items, and he’s really big on reviews/research, so these items all come highly recommended from the man himself!


So here she is, the ultimate father’s day gift guide! Be sure to scroll over the image title, description, and price to be taken directly to a link to shop! We appreciate you and hope you + yours have the BEST father’s day ever!

  1. DOUBLE CHAIR FOLDABLE - ~ $100 depending on color.

    This is what we got for Blake this year as an early Father’s Day/graduation gift and WE ARE IN LOVE!! I will do a demo of it when I get back on Instagram, but it’s likely my #1 favorite product to gift to men (and women) now! Aside from the cordless vacuum of course. hehe! Two people can sit comfortably, the drink holders are EPIC and can fit anything and it folds up so easily and as small as a single chair! Highly recommend!!!


    We use this tool often and it’s an essential for a tool drawer in our opinion. An expensive investment but well worth it in the end!


    This is the perfect mini shop vac for your garage and we love using it for tiny messes from wood working projects outside! It also works as a great car vac for the garage too!

  4. SMARTWATCH - $318

    This is the watch Blake wears daily and he loves it. It’s the perfect sporty, yet not too sporty, masculine watch that he wears for working out and to continuously check his heart rate. It also plays playlist too! It’s a great watch for someone who loves fitness and the reviews speak for themselves!


    The best Christian based book for marriages! A great read for men and women alike! Check out those reviews!!! Can’t recommend this book enough.


    Simple, easy organizer for anyone who loves tools and has a lot of them. These fit perfectly into his tool chest and separate the pliers and other similar tools easily.


    The ultimate gift for any man! (and woman!) I LOVEEEE this gadget and it stays in our kitchen and we use it all the time! it has every screwdriver head /bit you need! Would be great for in the car on the go too! (or anyone who loves IKEA furniture haha)


    This is the fire poker seen in our last picture in this post, and Blake gets so giddy about this one hehe! He’s a man that LOVES building a good fire for his girls, and this gadget helps do that! IS IT A POKER? IS IT A STOKER? Well actually it’s both. We could use a stick to move the logs, and dump gasoline on the wood to get it going, but Stoker Poker is really very effective and safe. If you see that the fire is going out, you can easily re-arrange the logs from 4 feet away and simply blow through the Stoker Poker to re-ignite the flames. It’s incredible!!!


    This is your wake-up call to resist the Hustle culture and embrace the slowness of Jesus.

    Our culture makes constant demands of us: Do more. Accomplish more. Buy more. Post more. Be more. In following these demands, we have indeed become more: More anxious. More tired. More hurt. More depressed. More frantic.

    What we are doing isn't working!

    In a society where hustle is the expectation, busyness is the norm and information is king, we have forgotten the fundamentals that make us human, anchor our lives, and provide meaning.

  10. BEST PILLOW EVER - $60

    CHECK OUT THESE REVIEWS!!! Truly just the BEST pillow you will ever use in your life, sure to give you a good night’s sleep and completely adjustable to your liking! Every one of us in the family has one and I don’t ever complain about neck/back pain anymore!

  11. COLLAPSIBLE WAGON - $!00 +

    This is our favorite wagon for lugging kiddos + sporting equipment + more around on trips and at the beach! It’s rugged enough to drag along the sand, and great for pulling kids + coolers to neighborhood gatherings. We love this one!


    Is the hubs tired of carrying the big Christmas tree box up the stairs? We have your solution! This bag has lasted through three moves and it stores trees + wreaths + bases + tree skirts and more! It’s held up so well and makes carrying the heavy tree so much easier. It also makes it really easy to spot in storage!


    In my humble opinion, this is the most important item every mama and daddy needs in their home. We use it every single day!


    These have made moving SO MUCH easier for us!!!! They allow Blake and I to carry all of our large pieces of furniture without having to borrow neighbors haha! We love these things!! You just slip them over your shoulders and it allows you to use your whole body. We moved a washer and dryer from the basement up to the garage with these! Fascinating.

  15. WATCH REPAIR KIT - $24

    If your person likes doing their watch repairs themselves or is a techy guy/gal, this is a great item to have on hand! It has 16 tools and a 41 page illustrated maintenance and service manual which makes it easy to repair different watches.


    Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.


    Built with 16 high tension clips that will hold your screwdrivers and other small tools firmly and securely. 


    Digital meat thermometer for grilling features advanced thermocouple technology that provides 2-3s response time; 4.0'' food grade probe thermometer guarantees an accurate temp reading to ±0.9°F (±0.5°C) with a wide temp range of 14°F - 572°F (-10°C - 300°C). Great for someone who loves being on the grill!


    Comes in so many colors and we both LOVE running in these! If you or your person love socks that feel good on a long run, this is them!

  20. GRILL SET - $30

    4-Piece Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Barbecue Grilling Utensils - Premium Grill Accessories for Barbecue - Spatula, Tongs, Fork, and Basting Brush


Be sure to pin an image in this post to your pinterest board or save it to your bookmarks to ensure you can reference it again in the future!

Happy gifting friends!

XX, Amy

APRIL 2020

Hey friends!!!

It’s been just about one month since I signed off from the gram, and I thought it would be a great way to journal my time away by doing a one month recap at the end of every month! This will help me keep a journal of the pictures I want to print each month (or send to my chatbooks) and also serve as a way to keep in touch with y’all and let you know what we’ve been up to!

I love this blog, because unlike Instagram I actually own this domain. This is my creative home, and it’s a joy to still be able to share my little family with you. I truly do need a creative outlet, and I love that this keeps me away from Instagram but still filling a creative void!

So…what have we been up to? How’s my heart doing one month into this process?

✿ Here’s a snapshot of April 2020. ✿


We started the month off by decorating our door! Below you can see what we did, but we used back of mailers, posters I had laying around, cardboard boxes, etc and now everyone that walks by our home gets to see our messages! The girls had a blast doing this!


The tree in front of our home also started to bloom and it is so so so so SOOOOO DREAMY!!!!

It arches over our doorway and just makes me smile every time I see it.

I tell everyone I am SO THANKFUL this all happened during this time of year, when trees and flowers are blooming, the sun is beginning to shine more, and overall the Earth feels like it’s coming to life out of the dead of winter. I think all this Vitamin D and sunshine is doing wonders for our souls.

Trees all around the post have also started blooming, and this one reminds me of the ones in my neighborhood growing up. It is very nostalgic every time we pass under it!


Speaking of walks, we go on at least 3 mile walks every day, and it’s 100% been my favorite part about being off of Instagram. We explore all over post. While Blake does teleworking on the computer, the girls and I like to wake up with the sun and go all around the base. We play “I spy with my little eye”, say hi to birdies and squirrels, and spend so much quality time together. It’s incredible. (Sometimes Bella even sneaks in a ride in the bottom of the stroller too if it’s too hot for her. heheheh)


Truly, look at this dog! Is she spoiled or what?!!? The girls have been pushing her around in their doll stroller too, and Bella actually LOVES it. She is so comfy and loves sniffing the air on our walks.

I can’t help but think about how happy and lucky all the animals are for having their best friends at home 24/7. I know Bella is thriving off of our company all the time. What a time for our fur babies!


While doing some spring cleaning, I came across a package that I found at my dad’s when we were cleaning out his place after he passed away. It was a package he had when he was stationed here at Fort Leavenworth back in the 80s. On it, I found his address. I dropped to my knees.

The next day, Blake, the girls and I went on a walk to go find his home.

This is it. I feel so connected to him. 🖤


When Blake does get a break from class, he joins us on our 3 mile walks and we love it! We go to our local track field and throw the ball for Bella or just run around the track. (Not at all to burn energy off the girls, I promise! hahah!)

This time has been so healing to get so much time back that we’ve lost from military training.

I keep saying I’m learning more about Blake and the girls than I’ve ever known…which let’s be real - has it’s ups and downs lol…but it’s like I’m relearning the people under my roof. It’s so sacred and special. 🖤

Honestly? I don’t think I would be this intentional if I were still on Instagram. I know how I am with my work schedule and being away has allowed me to prioritize these people first. Hallelujah.


We’ve been playing out on our slip n slide nearly every. single. day. It’s been epic. I just love getting down and playing with these girls and the hubs! Highly recommend this cute slide. It has a big blow up portion at the end that allows the girls (and myself haha) to not fly off the end!)

These are just $15! We add a little safe dishsoap and it makes them even more more slippery hehehe!

The watermelon slide is linked here.

The blue slide is linked here.


Possibly most exciting of the month?!?!


It was strangely super easy, and I think I thought it would be a lot more difficult, but we let her ride the bike with training wheels for about 3-5 months and then one day decided to take the wheels off! We just watched a couple of youtube videos on “how to teach a kid to ride a bike” and voila! She’s up and riding! I love this little video compilation of her first few days of riding. She LOVES IT!


Homeschooling has been so interesting. There’s easy days and hard days, but really I just feel like I’m learning so much more about patience (and my lack thereof). I am grateful for this experience, regardless of the hard days. I know I will look back on this time one day when both of the girls are in school and be thankful I had this time to do it myself. I have so much respect for teachers, administrators and therapists. It’s extraordinary what they do for our babes. Here’s some pics of Everly during her homeschooling activities and when she got to zoom her class and bring a show and share item with her. She chose her dinosaur we built together and her sister. 🖤


Speaking of therapists, Everly gets to do teletherapy with her speech therapist and zoom sessions with her ABA therapists too. She lights up when she gets to see them, and I can only pray that she gets to actually hug them goodbye before we move away. She loves them so so so so much. Here she played dinosaur with them hehe.


Easter was so yummy too! We had Annies Mac n Cheese (hahaha), turkey, green bean casserole, and deviled eggs. It was so fun setting the table and having a beautiful Easter dinner to celebrate our Lord!

As far as cooking goes, I’ve completely fallen head over heels with home cooked meals now. I’ve cooked dinner every night for 3 weeks straight and I hope I never go back! I can’t wait to share all of the recipes I’ve been learning!

HE IS RISEN! Easter 2020 will be one we will never forget!


Something else we will never forget is Blake’s 37th birthday! We kept it simple with store bought Cheesecake Factory slices, balloons from Target, and a couple presents from his wish list. We loved surprising daddy when he came downstairs from teleworking!


He’s been working so hard in his classes for work while also getting his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) which he is about 2 weeks out from getting with a 4.0 GPA! We couldn’t be more proud of you daddy!


He’s also been so supportive of me still doing business stuff, which I’ve totally neglected for about 5 weeks and it’s been a nice break! Tonight (May 1st) I will have a small “error sale” and this was a progress shot of getting through some inventorying during the week! You can find out more information about the sell and our plans to keep doing this until we get through our error inventory over the next few months while I’m taking a break. This has allowed me to truly pace myself which is so refreshing!


These are a few pics that truly mark this time of quarantine that I never want to forget. Masks for all, and care packages from my mom filled with items that make my half Korean heart very happy. hahahha! (This is truly a box from a Korean mom, is it not? lol. I LOVE IT!)


So, how have I been?

As far as motherhood goes…truly, it’s been a mix. I’ve felt myself losing patience with the girls a LOT but it’s because they’re butting heads a lot (as are most siblings all across the world). BUT I am SO in love with this time with them, to work through their struggles, and really be fully present. I am so grateful that this break from Instagram coincidentally fell into this time of quarantine. I can’t imagine still running my Instagram, business, blog and doing all of these duties as their mama. I am sending all the love, courage, strength, and prayers for you that are doing it all!!!! I have so much respect for you all right now!

As far as marriage goes, we’ve spent more time together than we have in almost 10 years of marriage…which btw next year is 10 YEARS OF MARRIAGE…WHAT?!?!?! Feeling so lucky to call him mine. I’m loving making dinner for him every night, loving working out with him every day, loving sitting on the porch drinking wine and reading books after the girls are in bed, loving movie nights on the couch, and seeing him teach the girls new tricks. Also loving when he starts the coffee pot for me and letting me sleep in a bit. hehe.

As far as health and fitness go, I’ve been working out hard for 3 weeks straight and feel better than I have in about 7 years as far as that goes. I am so excited to finally see change, but more importantly to feel it. My heart, mind, body, and soul feel so good. I’ll share more about my fitness journey next month!

As far as my Faith, I’ve been reading so much and listening to so much praise and worship, and I feel so close to the Lord now. I am eager to share more about that journey, but it’s very sacred right now, so I’m gonna keep it private for the time being. More to come.

So overall, it’s been so refreshing this first month away.

Someone asked me the other day, “do you miss it?”

And my honest to God answer: No. Not at all.

I feel so content with the decision to step away, and I’m very interested to see how my heart continues to transform over these next 5 months + beyond.

I want you to know I am praying for you all and sending you all my love during this time. I can’t wait to be “reunited” for the sake of me missing you, but I also can wait for the sake of my heart and home.

I’m grateful I’ve come to this point in my life.

In light + love,


PS Here are the blog posts I wrote this month as a recap in case you missed them!

  1. My break from Instagram (explained)

  2. DIY Dollhouse plans

  3. Mother’s Day Gift Ideas + Pictures


Hey hey friends!

I wanted to share some of my favorite items that are practical that I use nearly every day of my life, while also sharing a few of my favorite things that I’m asked about often. These would be great for Mother’s Day gifts, birthday presents, anniversaries, Christmas and beyond! So be sure to pin an image here if you want to reference it again in the future.

But first, every year the one thing I ask my husband for is a mini photoshoot with my girls.

I’ve done it for three years now! The first year we did a bathtub shoot followed by a Strawberry Patch shoot, and we did the same last year too! But this year was just in pajamas on our bed! I can’t wait to look back at all of these pictures one day! Let me take you down memory lane. :)


Mother’s Day 2018

Mother’s Day 2018


Mother’s Day 2019


And now here are some of my favorite every day items!

  1. FAVORITE PILLOW EVER -. All four of us have one and we will never use another pillow!

  2. CORDLESS VACUUM - I never wanted to make the investment and we finally did earlier this year. I can’t believe we didn’t get this sooner! Talk about making vacuum duties a breeze! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

  3. HANDS FREE MAMA BOOK - A book that changed my life. Teaches priorities, managing time, how to put the phone down and all the in between. Perfect for Mother’s Day.

  4. AVOCADO PJS - These are the ones we wore in this year’s Mother’s Day pics and I LOVE THE COLORS! I sized up for the girls so we can wear them next year too.

  5. SLIPPERS - The best slide on slippers you will ever own. I wear them EVERY DAY of my life, and don’t remember life before them. Ha!

  6. CAR STOPPERS - Why was I living in a hole about these for so long. So goodbye to dropped items next to your seats, lost makeup, lost keys, lost phones and more. These won’t let anything fall next to you when you’re driving!

  7. SNEAKERS - The best every day sneakers that literally go with everything. I wear them with skirts, jeans, leggings, shorts etc! You won’t regret this buy. Plus black is the perfect neutral.

  8. DAISY PJS - These are the same brand as the ones we wore in this year’s Mother’s Day pics and I LOVE THE COLORS! I sized up for the girls so we can wear them next year too.

  9. CORDLESS HANDHELD VACUUM - I share this every holiday. THIS IS MAMA’S BEST FRIEND and makes cleaning up any mess so much easier. No cords, no hard to reach places, THE BEST.

  10. FAVORITE PAJAMAS - These are my number one recommended pajamas and I love gifting them to other mamas for special occasions. BUTTERY soft.

  11. WIRELESS CAMERA MONITOR - This simple, cheap, easy to move camera can be set up straight to your phone which makes those restless nights of worrying about your kiddos so much better! We’ve had ours for 5 years!

  12. APPLE WATCH - Another gift we finally bit the bullet on, and there’s no turning back. I can’t recommend the Apple Watch (series 5) enough! I love every single feature of it.

  13. LEMON PJS - These are the same brand as the ones we wore in this year’s Mother’s Day pics and I LOVE THE COLORS! I sized up for the girls so we can wear them next year too.

  14. DIFFUSER - My favorite pretty diffuser that doubles as a calming night light too.

  15. WINE OPENER - I will never open another bottle of wine differently again. This invention is pure genius.


I hope you found something here you liked! It’s so good to catch up with y’all and to share with you a little tradition of ours every Mother’s Day. I hope you too can start something like this to have many pictures to look back on one day!


Be sure to pin an image from this post so you can reference back to it in the future!






First, sorry to everyone who’s been asking for these plans for over a year!

Plans aren’t the easiest to draft up, and I’m a perfectionist so it’s taken some time, but here we are!

I will share where all of the items are from within the dollhouse too, so be sure to read through the post if you’re interested on sources for the house and baby doll furniture.

Lastly, this would be a great quarantine project, but it’s also a great project for Christmas to get started on now! Dollhouse furniture can get expensive, so I highly recommend making what you can and buying a little here and there between now and Christmas so it’s easier to budget for.

***Disclaimer, many of the shops I’ve purchased from are on breaks due to quarantine as they are small business owners. I will be sure to update this post with their shop details once they return to business!

Can’t wait to see what yall come up with!


You can download the plans PDF here to print as well!

(Please note that this is not a beginner’s project. These plans were created with the assumption that the individual making this understands the basic fundamentals for woodworking. For more detailed instructions on woodworking, we recommend watching youtube videos or searching Ana White on Pinterest for steps. Please let us know if you have any questions!)

We also plan on adding doors to the front that close shut with a lock at some point. This will allow me to close it when guests with smaller children are over to ensure nothing is ruined and will also keep the items cleaner over time. I will be sure to blog those when we make them!


Here’s a peek inside of our dollhouse!

The items I made were the wall hanging in the kitchen and living room, the artwork on the mantel, and the beds in the parents’ room. I plan on making a hanging mobile for the girls’ room next.


If there’s items in the dollhouse that you don’t see listed above, I recommend going to my instagram page and viewing the “dollhouse” highlight where I show everything in detail. Aside from that, my favorite dollhouse stores are listed and linked here:

  1. No Small Miracle (dollhouse and baby doll items)

  2. Smallable

  3. Maileg

  4. Dollhouse Republic (The Daydream Republic)

  5. The Tiny Timber Co

  6. Petite Boheme Minis

  7. Poppie Toys (for life size doll items)

  8. Shop Sweet Lulu (for life size baby doll items)

  9. Olli Ella (for life size doll items)

  10. Hobby Lobby / Michaels Dollhouse or Fairy Garden items

    and you can always search Etsy for a specific product!

  11. Target for cheaper doll options


You can find a lot of the dollhouse items in videos with direct links to the Instagram small shops at my DOLLHOUSE highlight button on instagram @amylouhawthorne. It’s shown above all the way to the right side so you may need to slide over on the colorful buttons.


If you want to reference this blog post in the future, be sure to pin this image above or any image from this post so you can come back to it in the future!

Let me know if you have any questions! Happy dollhouse dreaming!

XX, Amy


Some of these are previous reads that I highly recommend.

Some of these are books that have been collecting dust on my shelves, begging me to open their cover.

Some of these are recent buys, because they’re desperately needed in this season of my life.

All of them come highly reviewed and highly recommended.

I’m excited to dive in.

Who’s with me?


Below you will see a synopsis of each book. If you scroll over it and click it’ll take you directly to the link.


    “I want you to take every step of your life with excitement for where you are headed. And I want you to feel beautiful and confident as you do.”

    But how? When the enemy whispers lies that you are not smart enough, pretty enough, or rich enough? Or you are too dumb, too loud, too quiet, too thin, too fat, too much or not enough? What if you don’t have what it takes to be who you really want to be?

    In Looking for Lovely, Annie F. Downs shares personal stories, biblical truth, and examples of how others have courageously walked the path God paved for their lives by remembering all God had done, loving what was right in front of them, and seeing God in the everyday—whether that be nature, friends, or the face they see in the mirror.

    Intensely personal, yet incredibly powerful, Looking for Lovely will spark transformative conversations and life changing patterns. No matter who we are and what path God has us on, we all need to look for lovely, fight to finish, and find beautiful in our every day!

  2. COLD TANGERINES - $10.99

    Cold Tangerines―now available in softcover― is a collection of stories that celebrate the extraordinary moments hidden in your everyday life. It is about God, and about life, and about the thousands of daily ways in which an awareness of God changes and infuses everything. It is about spiritual life, and about all the things that are called nonspiritual life that might be spiritual after all. It is the snapshots of a young woman making peace with herself and trying to craft a life that captures the energy and exuberance we all long for in the midst of the fear and regret and envy we all carry with us. It is both a voice of challenge and song of comfort, calling you upward to the best possible life, and giving you room to breathe, to rest, to break down, and break through. Cold Tangerines offers bright and varied glimpses of hope and redemption, in and among the heartbreak and boredom and broken glass.

  3. THE ROAD BACK TO YOU $14.49

    Ignorance is bliss―except in self-awareness. What you don't know about yourself can hurt you and your relationships―and even keep you in the shallows with God. Do you want help figuring out who you are and why you're stuck in the same ruts? The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired, both positively and negatively. In The Road Back to You Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile forge a unique approach―a practical, comprehensive way of accessing Enneagram wisdom and exploring its connections with Christian spirituality for a deeper knowledge of ourselves, compassion for others, and love for God. Witty and filled with stories, this book allows you to peek inside each of the nine Enneagram types, keeping you turning the pages long after you have read the chapter about your own number. Not only will you learn more about yourself, but you will also start to see the world through other people's eyes, understanding how and why people think, feel, and act the way they do. Beginning with changes you can start making today, the wisdom of the Enneagram can help take you further along into who you really are―leading you into places of spiritual discovery you would never have found on your own, and paving the way to the wiser, more compassionate person you want to become.


    This is your wake-up call to resist the Hustle culture and embrace the slowness of Jesus.

    Our culture makes constant demands of us: Do more. Accomplish more. Buy more. Post more. Be more.

    In following these demands, we have indeed become more: More anxious. More tired. More hurt. More depressed. More frantic.

    What we are doing isn't working!

    In a society where hustle is the expectation, busyness is the norm and information is king, we have forgotten the fundamentals that make us human, anchor our lives, and provide meaning.

    Jefferson Bethke, New York Times bestselling author and popular YouTuber, has lived the hustle and knows we need to stop doing and start becoming.   

    After reading this book, you will discover:

    To Hell With the Hustle is for anyone who is

    Join Bethke as he discovers that the very things the world teaches us to avoid at all costs--silence, obscurity, solitude, and vulnerability--are the very things that can give us the meaning, and the richness we are truly looking for.


    I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection. 

    As a busy wife, new mother, business owner, and designer, Emily Ley came to a point when she suddenly realized she couldn’t do it all. She needed to simplify her life, organize her days, and prioritize the priorities. She decided to hold herself to a standard of grace rather than perfection. This mantra led to the creation of her bestselling Simplified Planner®, a favorite among busy women everywhere—from mamas to executives and everywhere in between.

    Grace, Not Perfection takes this message from a daily planner to an inspirational book that encourages women to simplify and prioritize. Designed with Emily Ley’s signature aesthetic, this book gives women tangible ways to simplify their lives to give space to what matters most. With a focus on faith, Emily reminds readers that God abundantly pours out grace on us—and that surely we can extend grace to ourselves.

    Have you been told you can have it all, only to end up exhausted and occasionally out of sorts with the people you love? Are you ready for a new way of seeing your time? Learn to live a little more simply. Hold yourself and those you love to a more life-giving standard in Grace Not Perfection,and allow that grace to seep into your days, your family, and your heart.

  6. CULTIVATE - $11.59

    A flourishing life is possible—no perfection required!

    Women often feel like they have to have it all together in order to live a meaningful life. Instead they feel inadequate, overwhelmed, and exhausted as they to figure out how to do it all. Author, business owner, and mom to three Lara Casey offers sound and grace-filled advice: “We can’t do it all, and do it well. But, we can choose to cultivate what matters.”

    Welcome to the journey of getting messy in the rich soil of possibility—embracing imperfect, grace-filled progress to grow a life of joy.

    Written as part encouragement anthem and part practical guide, Cultivate offers wisdom from God’s Word alongside lessons Lara has learned in her garden. Woven throughout is her personal story that helps release readers from the pressure to achieve and gives them freedom to move from planning to planting a meaningful legacy. “It’s in the imperfect—the mess of the dirt--that good things grow,” Casey reminds readers. “Peonies grow through the dirt, and so do we.” Readers will learn to embrace the season they’re in, finding balance as they interact in fresh ways with their current life scenarios, with God, and in the communities where they are planted.

  7. NOTHING TO PROVE - $13.79

    Lauded by Ann Voskamp as “what your soul is begging for,” this bestseller from the founder of the million-strong IF:Gathering invites you to stop striving and discover the answer to your soul-deep thirst.
    All too many of us struggle under the weight of life, convinced we need to work harder to prove to ourselves, to others, and to God that we are good enough, smart enough, and spiritual enough to do the things we believe we should.
    Author and Bible teacher Jennie Allen invites us into a different experience, one in which our souls overflow with contentment and joy. In Nothing to Prove she calls us to…
    * Find freedom from self-induced pressure by admitting we’re not enough—but Jesus is. 
    * Admit our greatest needs and watch them be filled by the only One who can meet them. 
    * Make it our goal to know and love Jesus, then watch what He does in and through us.
    As you wade into the refreshing truth of the more-than-enough life Jesus offers, you’ll experience the joyous freedom that comes to those who are determined to discover what God can do through a soul completely in love with Him.

  8. IF ONLY YOU KNEW - $11.49

    What if you knew all the moments of my past that I am not proud of? What if you really knew me, the messy parts that I’ve hoped to forget and worked hard to conceal? For so long, my greatest fear was what you might think of me if you only knew the whole story.
    It’s exhausting, this guarding of our stories and struggles. Fear of being found out had caused me to hide—but I wasn’t just covering my flaws, I was unintentionally blocking the beauty of God’s grace. My journey to real freedom began when I quit running from my mess and started trusting Jesus to make something beautiful of it. 
    This book is that story. It’s stepping out of shame and insecurity into gospel freedom. It’s  letting God turn our failures and frailties into testimonies of His faithfulness. I’ve discovered that when we quit hiding, God gets the glory and we are able to fully embrace not only our relationship with Him, but also with one another. 
    Transparency brings freedom, and in every moment, we'll find that God can absolutely be trusted.


    In these pages, New York Times bestselling author Shauna Niequist invites you to consider the landscape of your own life, and what it might look like to leave behind the pressure to be perfect and begin the life-changing practice of simply being present, in the middle of the mess and the ordinariness of life.

    As she puts it: "A few years ago, I found myself exhausted and isolated, my soul and body sick. I was tired of being tired, burned out on busy. And, it seemed almost everyone I talked with was in the same boat: longing for connection, meaning, depth, but settling for busy.

    "I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor, writer, and I know all too well that settling feeling. But over the course of the last few years, I've learned a way to live, marked by grace, love, rest, and play. And it's changing everything.

    "Present Over Perfect is an invitation to this journey that changed my life. I’ll walk this path with you, a path away from frantic pushing and proving, and toward your essential self, the one you were created to be before you began proving and earning for your worth."

    Written in Shauna's warm and vulnerable style, this collection of essays focuses on the most important transformation in her life, and maybe yours too: leaving behind busyness and frantic living and rediscovering the person you were made to be. Present Over Perfect is a hand reaching out, pulling you free from the constant pressure to perform faster, push harder, and produce more, all while maintaining an exhausting image of perfection.

    Shauna offers an honest account of what led her to begin this journey, and a compelling vision for an entirely new way to live: soaked in grace, rest, silence, simplicity, prayer, and connection with the people that matter most to us.

  10. ONLY LOVE TODAY - $12.11

    New York Times bestselling author Rachel Macy Stafford shares simple words of inspiration each day to help you find hope and encouragement amidst life's challenges.

    Millions of Stafford's fans from her blog and her books find hope, challenge, and inspiration through her poetic and powerful short pieces on her blog. Only Love Today brings these pieces and many new, original entries together in a beautiful book based around the four seasons.

    From finding daily surrender in the autumn and daily hope in the winter, to daily bloom and daily spark in the spring and summer, you will always find fresh beautiful words for your day. 

    With a flexible, non-dated structure, Only Love Today is perfect to pick up at any time of the year to find strength and vision for a new and more connected way to live.


    Rachel Hollis has seen it too often: women not living into their full potential. They feel a tugging on their hearts for something more, but they’re afraid of embarrassment, of falling short of perfection, of not being enough.

    In Girl, Stop Apologizing, #1 New York Times bestselling author and founder of a multimillion-dollar media company, Rachel Hollis sounds a wake-up call. She knows that many women have been taught to define themselves in light of other people—whether as wife, mother, daughter, or employee—instead of learning how to own who they are and what they want. With a challenge to women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams, Hollis identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviors to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself.

  12. CHASING SLOW - $17.06

    Chasing Slow models HGTV star Erin Loechner's journey to help you break out of the faster-better-stronger trap and make small changes to refresh your perspective, renew your priorities, and shift your focus to what matters most. 

    You're here, but you want to be there. So you spend your life narrowing this divide, and you call this your race, your journey, your path. You live your days tightening your boot straps, wiping the sweat from your brow, chasing undiscovered happiness just around the bend. And on and on you run. 

    Viral sensation and star Erin Loechner knows about the chase. Before turning 30, she'd earned the title "The Nicest Girl Online" as she was praised for her authentic voice and effortless style. Her HGTV web show garnered over one million fans worldwide, and her client list includes Walt Disney World, IKEA, Martha Stewart and Home Depot. The New York Times applauded her, her friends and church admired her, and her husband and baby adored her. 

    She had arrived at the ultimate destination. So why did she feel so lost? 

    Through a series of steep climbs--her husband's brain tumor, bankruptcy, family loss, and public criticism--Erin learns just how much strength it takes to surrender it all, and to veer right into grace. In Chasing Slow, Erin upgrades her life through downsizing--her stuff, her obligations, her fears, her personal metric of "perfect." And ultimately, her invitation becomes yours: to turn away from the fast and frenzy, and find freedom in a new-fashioned lifestyle defined by grace.

    Life's answers are not always hidden where they seem. It's time to venture off the beaten path to see that we’ve already been given everything we need. We've already arrived. 

    You see?

    You'll see.


    Your job is obedience. God's job is everything else.

    If you've ever found yourself wondering...What is God's plan for my life? or Can He really use me? you're not alone. Lysa TerKeurst has wrestled through those same questions. But she's also learned that we were absolutely created to participate in God's divine activity and experience His rich blessings. We just have to say yes to Him!

    Through her own struggles, doubts, and honest vulnerability, Lysa will equip you to:

  14. THE BEST YES - $10.59

    Are you living with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule and aching with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul? 

    Lysa TerKeurst is learning that there is a big difference between saying yes to everyone and saying yes to God. In The Best Yes she will help you:

  15. THE JOY OF MISSING OUT - $15.96

    Overwhelmed. Do you wake up in the morning already feeling behind? Does the pressure of keeping it all together make you feel anxious and irritable?

    Tonya Dalton, CEO and productivity expert, offers you a liberating shift in perspective: feeling overwhelmed isn't the result of having too much to do -- it's from not knowing where to start.

    Doing less might seem counterintuitive, but doing less is more productive, because you’re concentrating on the work you actually want to be doing. Through this book, you can learn how to:

    Named Top 10 Business Book of the Year by Fortune magazine, The Joy of Missing Out is chock-full of resources and printables. This is a legitimate action plan for change. Once you reject the pressure to do more, something amazing happens: you discover you can finally live a guilt-free, abundant life.

  16. PREACH TO YOURSELF - $7.99

    Break the cycle of doubting yourself, take God at His word, and talk back with truth - a new message of freedom from bestselling coauthor of Wild and Free Hayley Morgan.

    We know Christ came to speak life, but then how come our inner critic keeps showing up and stealing the mic? If we’re honest, she’s a harsh one, saying things we’d never dream of saying to others: You’ll never measure up, you’ll fail again tomorrow, you just can’t get it right.

    It has been said that the eighteen inches from head to heart is the soul’s longest journey. Our head knows the good news is true, but our heart struggles to believe it, and it is in this gap that we battle to believe the promises of God.

    Hayley Morgan, coauthor of bestselling book Wild and Free, has wrestled with this tension her whole life. In Preach to Yourself, she tackles it head-on to discover how we can renew our minds to renew our lives. For every woman who struggles with repetitive, negative self-talk, this book will show you how to identify the toxic loops where you get stuck and replace them with the truth of God we can believe with our whole selves.

    This is not a “try harder” reprimand, it’s a “believe better” invitation: to take God at His word when He tells you who you are. Come along and learn a simple practice to break free from the lies holding you back, and step forward into the fullness of life God has planned.

  17. BOUNDARIES - $11.49

    Boundaries is the book that's helped over 4 million people learn when to say yes and know how to say no in order to take control of their lives.

    Does your life feel like it's out of control? Perhaps you feel like you have to say yes to everyone's requests. Maybe you find yourself readily taking responsibility for others' feelings and problems. Or perhaps you focus so much on being loving and unselfish that you've forgotten your own limits and limitations. Or maybe it's all of the above.

    In the New York Times bestseller, Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you learn when to say yes and know how to say no in order to take control of your life and set healthy, biblical boundaries with your spouse, children, friends, parents, co-workers, and even yourself.

    Now updated and expanded for the digital age, this book continues to help millions of people around the world answer these tough questions:

    You don’t have to let your life spiral out of control. Discover how boundaries make life better today!


    Just like you, Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well. Forget the bucket lists that have us escaping our everyday lives for exotic experiences. 'How,' Ann wondered, 'do we find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties? What does the Christ-life really look like when your days are gritty, long--and sometimes even dark? How is God even here?' In One Thousand Gifts, Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline of chronicling God's gifts. It's only in this expressing of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we've always wanted...a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved--by God. Let Ann's beautiful, heart-aching stories of the everyday give you a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of being present to God that makes you deeply happy, and a way of living that is finally fully alive. Come live the best dare of all!

  19. YOU ARE FREE - $9.49

    In this six session video Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Rebekah Lyons explores why we all want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what we were made for. Yet many of us believe that “calling” feels like something held for the exclusive few. Rebekah’s heart is to dismantle that idea, to remind each and every one of us that God has plans for something specific if we have ears to hear the still small voice of a Father that beckons. 

    What if we pressed into finding our truest selves hidden below the surface?

    Rebekah has traveled the country sharing with vulnerability her own pain and struggles to hear God and follow Him. “I have prayed with hands laid for healing and deliverance on women considering suicide, experiencing trauma, fighting cancer, holding off divorce, overcoming addiction and more. These are women, battle weary and wounded saying, “I’m done with the life I’ve created. I hunger for all that God promises. I want to expect more from a passionate and relentless God. I cannot continue to operate from a place of wounding. Please set me free.”

    But there is risk in this journey. We cannot get ahead of ourselves and just end up with a prettier version of striving. Rebekah reminds viewers that without healing from God along the way we can be pulled back into a place of wounding and bondage. But abiding in God’s presence will bring us answers and inform and sustain our calling.

    Rebekah’s voice is a vulnerable, prophetic call for women to become who they’ve already been designed to be. She is answering the questions women are asking. Listen to hear how we truly run free.

  20. DANCE STAND RUN - $6.67

    Abundant life is within your reach. Join Jess Connolly as she casts a fresh vision for how to break free of cheap grace and empty rule-keeping and change the world rather than be changed by it. Spoiler alert: it's a beautiful thing. 

    Grace is always good news. But it's not cheap--true grace compels us to change, and that's where holiness comes in.

    Jess Connolly--beloved writer, speaker, business coach, coauthor of Wild and Free, and author of You Are the Girl for the Job--will be the first to admit that not long ago, like many women, she grasped grace but forgot about holiness. Through story and study, Dance, Stand, Run charts her discovery that holiness was never meant to be a shaming reminder of what we "should" do, but rather a profound privilege of becoming more like Christ.

    Dance, Stand, Run is an invitation to the daughters of God to step into the movements of abundant life: dancing in grace, standing firm in holiness, and running on mission. Jess will help you to:

  21. BORN TO SHINE - $10.52

    Born to Shine is a story of loss, resilience, and the life-changing lessons found in the darkest seasons of life.

    When Ashley LeMieux and her husband lost their children in an adoption battle, it sent her into a tailspin that, ultimately, taught Ashley how to soar. Most people live with constant fears, burdens, and pains. Born to Shine shares Ashley’s message of hope for women brave enough to say that everything is not okay. The message is also for those who want the courage to believe they are not done yet―the unique message that acknowledges the overwhelming truth that even when life is in ruins, people can still shine. Born to Shine tells the LeMieux’s story in installments with alternating chapters and practical applications in between. It shares stories, lessons, and practical tools to help women shine despite the darkness, to press forward one day at a time even when there is no end in sight, and to turn their most painful moments into their greatest teachers and signposts to true, deep, unassailable joy.

  22. HANDS FREE LIFE - $4.00

    We all yearn to look back to find we lived a life of significance. But is it even possible anymore? Considering the amount of distraction and pressure that exists in society today, living a fulfilling life may seem like an unachievable dream. But it is not—not with the nine habits outlined in this book.

    New York Times bestselling author and widely known blogger, Rachel Macy Stafford, reveals nine habits that help you focus on investing in the most significant parts of your life. As your hands, heart, and eyes become open, you will experience a new sense of urgency—an urgency to live, love, dream, connect, create, forgive, and flourish despite the distractions of our culture. By following each daily Hands Free Declaration, you will be inspired to adopt mindful daily practices and new thought-processes that will help you:

    •         Make meaningful, lasting human connections despite the busyness of everyday life.

    •         Live in the now despite that inner nudge pushing you out of the moment toward perfection and productivity.

    •         Protect your most sacred relationships, as well as your values, beliefs, health, and happiness, despite the latent dangers of technology and social media.

    •         Pursue the passions of your heart without sacrificing your job or your daily responsibilities.

    •         Evaluate your daily choices to insure you are investing in a life that matters to you.

    With a Hands Free Life perspective, you will have the power to look back and see you didn’t just manage life, you actually lived it—and lived it well.

  23. SIMPLY TUESDAY - $9.45

    Our obsession with bigger and faster is spinning us out of control. We move through the week breathless and bustling, just trying to keep up while longing to slow down. 
    But real life happens in the small moments, the kind we find on Tuesday, the most ordinary day of the week. Tuesday carries moments we want to hold onto--as well as ones we'd rather leave behind. It holds secrets we can't see in a hurry--secrets not just for our schedules but for our souls. It offers us a simple bench on which to sit, observe, and share our stories.
    For those being pulled under by the strong current of expectation, comparison, and hurry, relief is found more in our small moments than in our fast movements. In Simply Tuesday, Emily P. Freeman helps readers
    · stop dreading small beginnings and embrace today's work
    · find contentment in the now--even when the now is frustrating or discouraging
    · replace competition with compassion
    · learn to breathe in a breathless world
    Jesus lived small moments well, slow moments fully, and all moments free. He lives with us still, on all our ordinary days, creating and redeeming the world both in us and through us, one small moment at a time. It's time to take back Tuesday, to release our obsession with building a life, and believe in the life Christ is building in us--every day.


    If you think you're not creative, think again. 

    As people made in the image of a creative God, we all have something unique to offer the world and it will come out in a million little ways. In this book, bestselling author Emily P. Freeman will help you:

  25. LIVE - $13.82

    There's a big difference between being alive and knowing how to truly live. To be alive is something that happens to you. But to truly live is something you get to choose each dayAs Robertson says, "When you truly learn to live the life God offers, your whole existence becomes a verb."

    In Live, Sadie Robertson inspires us to thrive in the life God gave us by making choices that will lead us into the fullness He has for us, not into the emptiness the world offers. With photography and captivating design, Live shows us how we can find a rich and rewarding life when we choose to wholeheartedly embrace God's ways and God's truth. Moments of decision greet everyone, sometimes on a more-than-daily basis. Some of those decisions are minor and others are life altering, but all serve as stepping-stones to peace, joy, and fullness or to disappointment and emptiness. Sadie is passionate about inspiring a generation to live in that fullness every day.

    The book includes material on overcoming jealousy, finding confidence, dealing with haters, waiting on God, living in the moment, discovering the power of words, and knowing how to tell the difference between what leads to life and what leads to death--so young people can make the best choices.

    Whether you have a long-time relationship with God or are new to faith, Live is a joyful encouragement to make the most of each moment, to make wise decisions, and to always seek the truth of God's Word. Filled with stories and biblical principles, Live celebrates what everyone has in common--the opportunity to not simply be alive but to truly live.


    ECPA BESTSELLER • A compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry and in favor of a slower, simpler way of life
    “As someone all too familiar with ‘hurry sickness,’ I desperately needed this book.”—Scott Harrison, New York Times best-selling author of Thirst
    “Who am I becoming?”
    That was the question nagging pastor and author John Mark Comer. Outwardly, he appeared successful. But inwardly, things weren’t pretty. So he turned to a trusted mentor for guidance and heard these words:
    “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life.”
    It wasn’t the response he expected, but it was—and continues to be—the answer he needs. Too often we treat the symptoms of toxicity in our modern world instead of trying to pinpoint the cause. A growing number of voices are pointing at hurry, or busyness, as a root of much evil.
    Within the pages of this book, you’ll find a fascinating roadmap to staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world.


    You believe (or want to believe) God has called you and given you purpose, but where do you start? How do you get from feeling stuck to making a move? If this sounds familiar, bestselling author Jess Connolly has a message for you: You Are the Girl for the Job.

    But this is not simply a peppy catchphrase. This is the straight-up truth God has proclaimed over your life from the beginning, and it's not dependent on what you can do or achieve but based on His power, capacity, and character. 

    It has taken one million, maybe one zillion (who knows?!), slight moves of His hand to place you in this exact moment. So forget about fear and second-guessing your gifts, because God has meticulously prepared you to be an ambassador for the Kingdom right where you are, here and now. Life is too short to get stuck in a holding pattern of shame, self-doubt, and comparison. So let this book be your very good news: you don't have to wait for permission when you've already been commissioned. 

    With passion and heart-pumping hope, Jess shows that being the girl for the job doesn't depend on your capacity. Rather, it has everything to do with God's capacity and our willingness. It has everything to do with believing we are who God says we are, and quieting any inferior word spoken against us. Are you ready? 

    Let this book be your jumpstart into confident, purposed living, as Jess walks you through the six steps she has used to coach and encourage women for years: set your focus, take stock of the story that has shaped you, face your fear, catch the vision, make a plan, and finally, make your move--all in the bold belief that God has called you to every step of the journey.

  28. GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD - $14.39

    NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER • The visionary behind the million-strong IF:Gathering challenges Christian women to transform their outlook and their lives by interrupting their spiraling thoughts and realizing their God-given power to think differently.
    “A must-have resource for anyone looking to get control of their thoughts.”—Lysa TerKeurst, #1 New York Times best-selling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries
    Are your thoughts holding you captive? I’ll never be good enough. Other people have better lives than I do. God couldn’t really love me. Jennie Allen knows what it’s like to swirl in a spiral of destructive thoughts, but she also knows we don’t have to stay stuck in toxic thinking patterns.
    As she discovered in her own life, God built a way for us to escape that downward spiral. Freedom comes when we refuse to be victims to our thoughts and realize we have already been equipped with power from God to fight and win the war for our minds.
    In Get Out of Your Head, Jennie inspires and equips us to transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances by taking control of our thoughts. Our enemy is determined to get in our heads to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for the kingdom of God. But when we submit our minds to Christ, the promises and goodness of God flood our lives in remarkable ways.
    It starts in your head. And from there, the possibilities are endless.




Our latest spring book wall, with a focus on Easter, is here!

And so is our easter basket roundup!


*****For everything you see below, you can scroll over the title of that product in the text and click on that link and it will take you directly to the source to purchase or save to a wishlist!*****


The basket on the left is linked here. The basket on the right is a thrift store find, which is a great place to find cheap baskets! I simply just added DIY poms and tassels to the baskets to customize them. (If you search diy pom poms on pinterest there’s a ton of tutorials! This is a great way to change the baskets up each year and personalize them for each child!

Also, you can add our monogram printable tags (just $3.99 in our shop) to the baskets to customize them for each child too! These tags also work great for Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, notecards etc and are yours forever with the $3.99 purchase!

You can find last year’s Easter basket here with a ton of other ideas!


You can find last year’s books at this link, by clicking here. If there’s a book not linked below, it’s in last year’s blog post! I’ve just added new books to this year’s post.

Our shelves are Ikea, the dollhouse is handmade (and we’ll make a tutorial for it soon!), babydoll furniture is from Poppie Toys (also sourced from No Small Miracle and Shop Sweet Lulu), floor pillows are linked here, the small chair is linked here, floor mat is Toki Mats, garland is Hooray Everyday, and the swaddles are No Small Miracle.


I hope something here was helpful for you!

If there’s anything you liked but don’t want to get until the future, simply pin these images to a holiday or Easter board for easy reference in the future!

Best of luck and happy celebrating!

XX, Amy



As a military family who constantly moves, it is imperative for our family to stay organized.

I have always been a lover of organization, but this last year got the best of me with a growing business and a mid year move halfway across the country.

And guess what…we move again in 6 months.

So! That’s where this challenge comes in!

I’ve created this 6 month home organization challenge for ALL OF US to get organized! And if you’re a military family this is especially for you, because we know all about the pains of a PCS. (Permanent Change of Station - Military lingo)

We’ve been in this new place for 6 months and I’m STILL not unpacked because I wasn’t organized during our last move. It’s time to OWN THIS NEXT ONE!

Each month we will INTENTIONALLY tackle specific areas of our home so we don’t get overwhelmed!

The best part is, you do NOT need to start this in January! Or February! This is designed to fit into your calendar when it best fits…so if that means you start month 1 in June, then do that!

I made it 6 whole months so we can be thorough and intentional but also not feel rushed or overwhelmed.

So let’s give ourselves a 6 month window to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Who’s in?


This template will be our guide!

Each block has extra space for you to write any specific information that you or your family needs to remember. i.e. specific dates, specific projects, extra areas, extra details etc!

So here you can print out this above printable to have for your home! Print it off, hang it on your fridge, put it in your planner, wherever! Just make sure the dates get added to your family calendar so everyone knows when it’s organization time!

UPDATE ONE: (I completed the majority of our basement which works as storage for our family, houses our gym, holds boxes for moves and all of our military gear - here’s what I took away from that!)

  1. thought process going in was “if I haven’t used it in 6 months, I can sell, donate, recycle or trash it.

  2. goal was to make our next move easier since we move so often in the military.

  3. put like items together in storage places so they’re easier to find.

  4. separate items into four sections: trash, recycle, sell donate

  5. put all holiday items/decor into storage bins that match the holiday you’re in. i.e. fall/halloween stuff goes into orange bins, christmas into green etc.

  6. if you don’t have holiday specific bins then at least put them into clear bins so you can see the decor.

  7. if you are a family that moves a lot or knows you will be moving, keep your small appliance and electronics boxes (i.e tv, mixer, coffee pot, dvd player etc) so they all have boxes specifically made for them to pack away. This also works great for resale!

  8. save empty boxes from a previous move that didn’t get messed up so you don’t have to buy new ones! you can cut them down to take up less room.

  9. buy a tree bag, ornament box and wreath bag for those items! saves so much hassle and room.

  10. we keep a humidifier in storage to keep items dry too.

  11. invest in a trailer if you are a military family and move some stuff yourself! you’ll make money every move!

  12. as you organize, be sure to separate stuff into sections for what you will take and what the movers will take. saves so much time.

  13. have outdoorsy, military stuff organized in an easy to find manner so you aren’t having to dig to find stuff.

  14. invest in conticos for breakable items.

You can see all of these tips in action on my instagram page @amylouhawthorne in my “organization” highlight button!


My starting point - lot’s of empty containers. January 2020.

Here’s what I want you to remember:

This is meant to organize items so you always know where they are.

This is meant to declutter.

This is meant to donate unused items.

This is meant to give you motivation to have a spring yard sale to make money off of items that have been sitting around for a decade, or items you simply don’t need.

You do NOT need all the bells and whistles to make this happen.

You just need discipline, time and motivation.

So if you need time to do this, ask for it. Blake and I sat down on January 1st and mapped out the next 6 months.

We marked off which weekends I would have to work on this massive project - and yes, this is my project because I LOVE organizing. On those weekends he will watch the kids and I will have full freedom to clean.

If there’s a point of contention, just remember to advocate that you are doing this for the whole family.

And above all else, once we get passed this challenge let’s do our best to keep our homes organized for years to come!


Want information on which storage containers I use throughout our home and which ones I love most?

Linking them all here for you! Just click on the item name and number to go!

  1. Seagrass Baskets || 2. Big tubs || 3. Tall wire baskets || 4. Clear containers || 5. Closed baskets || 6. Pink closed containers || 7. Wire Baskets || 8. Pink locked containers || 9. Open rattan basket || 10. Open pink storage || 11. Gray closed containers || 12. Open pink and white bins


Here’s how I use them throughout my home!

As I get to each room where I’m using them, I will add pictures to this post to share how I used them during my organization challenge. This blog post will be ever evolving until I reach month 6!

  1. I use these for the girls’ shoes, small toys and lotions/ essential oils

  2. I use these for the girls’ old toys and old clothes that I don’t want to get rid of but want to have access to. Anything bulky. (Also great for toys)

  3. I use one of these in the garage for sporting equipment so I can see in it and grab what I need and also for craft storage.

  4. My favorite bins. I use these for everything. Craft storage, out of season clothes and company inventory.

  5. Closed baskets are what I use for something that looks ugly but I use often. So I use it as a mini paper trash can in my office and for office supplies that I need on hand.

  6. My favorite for storing the girls small educational / sensory items. We keep these in our downstairs closet. They store coloring books, puzzles, magnets, legos, sand, playdoh etc.

  7. These are the prettiest for storing cookbooks, handtowels, and anything you need to store and keep contained but want to have visible.

  8. These will be used for office/craft storage.

  9. Love these for storing blankets around the home.

  10. These will be used for office/craft storage.

  11. My favorite for storing the girls small educational / sensory items. We keep these in our downstairs closet. They store coloring books, puzzles, magnets, legos, sand, playdoh etc.

  12. We use these to store the girls’ toys in. i.e. cars, train sets, and small items.


And here’s some pics of them throughout our home!


If you liked anything you saw and want to reference back to it in the future, be sure to pin any of the images above so you know where to come back and find it!


XX, Amy



I think my most anticipated blog post every season are the book roundup ones, and I am totally okay with that because they are the most fun for me to do!

I have always loved childrens’ books, and it is so fun to now share that passion and love with my girls!

Each season (holiday) I decorate our book wall with new books to match that season or holiday.

Here you can see my Summer Book Reading List roundup.

Here you can see my Halloween Book Reading List roundup.

Here you can see my Christmas Book Reading List roundup.

And now, here begins my Valentines roundup! But, with an addition this year!

February is also Black History Month, and it is a massive passion of ours to shine a light and celebrate the achievements by African Americans throughout U.S. History. It’s also a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in our history. Therefore, over the years we have collected books for February that both spread love and kindness but also celebrate Black History Month to spread our family’s cultural awareness.

I hope you too will add books to your collection that represent all races and ethnicities, so that we can all do a better part in unifying our world.

So let’s get to it!

Our book wall last year. Shelves are linked here ($12.99 each) and you can see more of our book wall @amylouhawthorne.


And here’s our collection this year! To see sources for the other items, head to my Instagram @AmyLouHawthorne for more details.



  1. A Little Princess - $8.77

    What they say : Adams and Oliver team up again to teach literary-minded tots the importance of friendship in A Little Princess: A BabyLit® Friendship Primer. Each page introduces Sarah’s friends with text from the original novel, A Little Princess, showing little ones that friends can be found in surprising places.


2. I am Enough - $9.49

What they say : I Am Enough is the picture book everyone needs, and it's now a New York Times bestseller and the picture book winner in the Goodreads Choice Awards! This is a gorgeous, lyrical ode to loving who you are, respecting others, and being kind to one another—from Empire actor and activist Grace Byers and talented newcomer artist Keturah A. Bobo. This is the perfect gift for mothers and daughters, baby showers, and graduation.


3. Little Leaders Bold Women In Black History - $13.59

What they say : An important book for all ages, Little Leaders educates and inspires as it relates true stories of forty trailblazing black women in American history. Illuminating text paired with irresistible illustrations bring to life both iconic and lesser-known female figures of Black history such as abolitionist Sojourner Truth, pilot Bessie Coleman, chemist Alice Ball, politician Shirley Chisholm, mathematician Katherine Johnson, poet Maya Angelou, and filmmaker Julie Dash.

Among these biographies, readers will find heroes, role models, and everyday women who did extraordinary things - bold women whose actions and beliefs contributed to making the world better for generations of girls and women to come. Whether they were putting pen to paper, soaring through the air or speaking up for the rights of others, the women profiled in these pages were all taking a stand against a world that didn't always accept them.

The leaders in this book may be little, but they all did something big and amazing, inspiring generations to come.

3. Little Leaders Exceptional Men In Black History - $12.39

What they say: An important book for readers of all ages, this beautifully illustrated and engagingly written volume brings to life true stories of black men in history.

Among these biographies, readers will find aviators and artists, politicians and pop stars, athletes and activists. The exceptional men featured include artist Aaron Douglas, civil rights leader John Lewis, dancer Alvin Ailey, filmmaker Oscar Micheaux, musician Prince, photographer Gordon Parks, tennis champion Arthur Ashe, and writer James Baldwin.

The legends in this book span centuries and continents, but what they have in common is that each one has blazed a trail for generations to come.


4. Juno Valentine - $9.49

What they say: It’s school picture day and Juno Valentine is having a fashion emergency! Her mom wants her to wear fabulous florals, her dad wants her to wear rainbow ruffles, but Juno’s not sure what to choose. And just when Juno thinks her conundrum couldn’t get any more complicated, her little brother, Finn, disappears into the magical hall of shoes!

In an epic chase through time, Juno gets some help from female icons like Simone Biles, Audrey Hepburn, Annie Oakley, and Michelle Obama. Along the way, she discovers the self-confidence she needs to express herself in her own magical way.


5. Romeo and Juliet - $8.71

What they say : Get swept away by Little Master Shakespeare’s tale of two star-crossed lovers in Romeo & Juliet: A BabyLit® Counting Primer. Count friends, kisses, love letters, and roses in this charming retelling of Shakespeare’s famous story of young love. Since parting from such a lovely little book will certainly bring feelings of sweet sorrow, you may find yourself re-reading 'till it be 'morrow!

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : One of the most popular stories of love of all time matched with the cutest simplest illustrations. Need I say more?


6. Bagel In Love - $14.38

What they say: Poor Bagel! He dreams of entering the Cherry Jubilee dance contest . . . but no one wants to be his partner! Can he find a sweet-tart who doesn’t think his steps are half-baked?

Bagel loved to dance. It made him happier than a birthday cake! And more than anything, he wants a partner who will spin and swirl, tap and twirl with him in the dance contest. But Pretzel sniffs that he doesn’t cut the mustard, Croissant thinks his moves are stale, and Doughnut’s eyes just glaze over. Can a cute cupcake save the day for our would-be Fred Éclair? Witty and pun-filled, this picture book really takes the cake.


7. One Love - $7.67

What they say : Adapted from one of Bob Marley's most beloved songs, One Love brings the joyful spirit and unforgettable lyrics of his music to life for a new generation. Readers will delight in dancing to the beat and feeling the positive groove of change when one girl enlists her community to help transform her neighborhood for the better. Adapted by Cedella Marley, Bob Marley's first child, and gorgeously illustrated by Vanessa Newton, this heartwarming picture book offers an upbeat testament to the amazing things that can happen when we all get together with one love in our hearts.


8. Harriet Tubman - $10.59

What they say : Part of the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the incredible life of Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad conductor who "never lost a single passenger." 
Little Harriet was born into slavery on a plantation in Maryland. Though life was hard, Harriet persisted. She used all of her strength and bravery to escape slavery and journey north on the Underground Railroad. Harriet made the dangerous mission back to the South many times, fighting her whole life to bring others with her to freedom. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the abolitionist's life.

8. Maya Angelou - $7.99

What they say : In this international bestseller from the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the incredible life of Maya Angelou, the powerful speaker, writer, and civil rights activist.
Maya Angelou spent much of her childhood in Stamps, Arkansas. After a traumatic event at age eight, she stopped speaking for five years. However, Maya rediscovered her voice through wonderful books, and went on to become one of the world's most beloved writers and speakers. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of Maya Angelou's life.


9. L is for Love - $7.52

What they say : Introduce your brilliant baby to the ABCs with this colorfully illustrated primer about love and friendship.

Valentine’s Day is a time to reflect on the themes of love and friendship, and what better way to introduce toddlers to these concepts than with a new ABC volume from artist Greg Paprocki. The book’s 26 fully illustrated pages take aim just like Cupid’s arrow at lovebirds, sweethearts, BFFs, and secret admirers. Part of the BabyLit Alphabet Series.


10. The Love Letter - $13.43

What they say: Fall in love with this endearing and adorable picture book that illustrates how a little bit of heart goes a long way to making the world a better place.

Hedgehog, Bunny, and Squirrel are best friends. One day, they each find a letter. But not just any letter...

A love letter. 

My word!

            My whiskers!

                        Aww, nuts!

Someone loves them. But who? The answer may surprise you!

Celebrated author Anika Aldamuy Denise and beloved illustrator Lucy Ruth Cummins deliver this heartwarming tale about a wonderful mix-up that reminds us of the joys of friendship.

Makes for a perfect Valentine’s Day gift, or for any time you want to tell someone in your life how much you love them!


11. Love Is - $10.48

What they say : Perfect for any fond gift or tender moment, this story of a girl and a duckling who share a touching year together will melt hearts old and young. In this tenderly funny book, girl and duckling grow in their understanding of what it is to care for each other, discovering that love is as much about letting go as it is about holding tight. Children and parents together will adore this fond exploration of growing up while learning about the joys of love offered and love returned.


12. Love is a Tutu - $12.95

What they say : This beautifully designed and playfully illustrated novelty board book is the perfect starting point for tiny ballerinas and parents alike. Sweet and spare rhymes prance across the pages, engaging the reader with real ballet terms and plenty of pink. Parents and toddlers together will sigh Bravo as they turn off the light.

12. Love is a Truck - $10.72

What they say : Graphically appealing two-color illustrations pair perfectly with a spare, rhythmic ode to beloved trucks of all kinds - from fire trucks to dump trucks to ice cream trucks, the sweetest trucks of all - and to the kid who loves and collects them, Love Is a Truck follows Love Is a Tutu (our ballet-inspired ode to tutus and toe shoes) in our Love Is series. A smaller square format with thick, sturdy pages, make these little picture books perfect for young readers, ages 2-6, and for reading aloud again and again.


13. Love, Z - $12.79

What they say : The story of a young robot trying to find the meaning of love.

When a small robot named Z discovers a message in a bottle signed “Love, Beatrice,” they decide to find out what “love” means. Unable to get an answer from the other robots, they leave to embark on an adventure that will lead them to Beatrice—and back home again, where love was hiding all along.


14. Part of My Heart - $17.80

What they say : A simple and heartfelt children's book about a baby heart and where it came from. This sweet story is perfect for explaining to preschool children the emotional truth of how a new baby is made and what they mean to the parents. Also makes a charming Valentine's Day or new baby gift.


15. Love the Earth - $8.99

What they say : Jump aboard the White Feather Flier, a magical plane that can go anywhere on Earth! This time, Lennon’s book immerses boys and girls into an interactive and unique journey where they can:

  • Plant milkweed gardens and soar with the butterflies.

  • Build schools where girls and boys will be safe to learn and follow their dreams.

  • Clean the oceans and beaches and help endangered dolphins, turtles, and whales.

  • Explore the planet, meet new people, and help make the world a better place!
    The Flier’s mission is to transport readers around the world, to engage them in helping to save the environment, and to teach one and all to love our planet. Just press a button printed on the page and use your Imagination Power to make the Flier glide through the air or transform into vehicles that will help those in need.
    An inspiring, lyrical story rooted in Lennon's life and work; Love the Earth is filled with beautiful illustrations that bring the faraway world closer to young children. The book includes words to a special poem written by Julian Lennon, specifically for Love the Earth.




I tried really hard to find pajamas that were “valentines-y” per say, but I realized that coming off the holiday season, so many of us are just trying to save money and not spend spend spend! So, I’m doing something a little different this season and bringing you cute + comfy + CHEAP pajamas that I found on Amazon that work PERFECT for Valentines! The “girls” ones come in a soft pink, dark pink and purple color which are all perfect for Valentines! But what I love even more is they are so comfy, can easily be sized up to last a longggg time AND they’re cheap! The girls are 3 and 5 and actually both in the size Large 4-5 here. The “boys” options are more on the cool color side and would be perfect for other holidays, but regardless they are amazing pajamas for all year long so I had to share! I will definitely be getting these in more colors and recommend them for your littles! They do have a red set shown above that is 100% unisex!!

Here they are linked here AND ONLY $15!!!


If you loved this post or want to reference it in the future, be sure to pin this picture! You can come back to it at any time to find the best love books + Black History Month books for kids and these comfy pajamas!

Thanks for reading!!!





Every time I look at 2020, I see balance.

I see a 20 on the left and a 20 on the right.

I’ve always been a lover of symmetry, and last month it hit me…2020 is balanced.

So my word of the year is just that, Balance.

And it’s my goal this year to find balance in so many aspects of my life.

Balance in my faith: How to live a fulfilling life at church, with my church family, during morning devotionals and more.

Balance in my marriage: How to be a better wife and show my husband just how much I love him.

Balance as a mother: How to prioritize all of my duties as mama bear while giving each of my daughters’ the love and attention they need.

Balance in my work: How to juggle my personal brand, our business and all the extra side hustles that entrepreneurs carry.

Balance in my finances: How to find peace with what I have, save more, minimize and spend intentionally.

Balance in my health: How to always find time to put my mental, physical and emotional health first.

Balance in my ambitions: How to accept when things just don’t go my way and continue pressing onward and upward towards more.

Balance in education: How to study harder and continue learning more every day.

You see, balance is hard. And I think it takes a lot of intentional efforts to even remotely find balance in our lives. We must know our priorities, weigh them and tend to them with love and care.

If not, we lose balance.

So this year, I’m getting back to the basics.

I’m focusing on goals that bring my family and I a life of abundant love, abundant joy and abundant balance.


2020 Goals.

Here’s the thing about goals. I think some people read that word and want to run. Setting a goal can be so intimidating to some people that even the thought of it throws you off track.

But can I pray for you right now?

For a grace so forgiving that you know it is OKAY if you don’t reach your goal, but to never stop trying.

For understanding that goal setting is hard, reaching goals is hard, and a goal accomplished is worth celebrating!

For peace in the fight. For peace in the thick of it. For peace in your discipline all the way to the finish line.

Goals are hard, yes. But let’s take the pressure off of them for a second and simply just try. Can you promise me that? Let’s not worry about how hard it’s gonna be to get there:

to be debt free.

to run a marathon.

to buy a house.

to save a marriage.

to lead someone to the Lord.

to learn another language.

to lose 30 pounds.

to quit smoking.

to reconcile a friendship.

Whatever it is. Forget about how hard it is for me, okay?

And let’s just get after it! Let’s erase the timelines and the deadlines and just GO.

Cause I guarantee you the only regret you (and I) will have next year will be that we never tried.

So here’s to 2020, and here’s to our goals. Let’s go.



Dear future Amy, it’s me. 33 year old Amy.

Let’s start this decade with faith over fear.

Let’s start this decade with focus over distraction.

And let’s start this decade with discipline over complacency.

You are stronger than you know. Don’t give up.

  1. Run a half marathon every 3 months. You used to do this Amy! Stop making excuses. Sign up for them now, and RUN!

  2. Wear more lipstick. You always feel put together when you have lipstick on. Wear it , and stop caring what others think.

  3. Put on more pants with buttons. Whenever you wear leggings and a sweatshirt, you want to relax. It’s your go to outfit and it forces you to want to sit down and watch Netflix. But whenever you actually shower, wash your hair and get ready YOU WORK HARDER. So do that, Amy. Plus, you have all that clothes in your closet. Use it. If not, then why do you have it? … which brings me to your next goal…

  4. Donate more. You have WAY too much stuff girl. Get rid of it. Stop saying you’re gonna sell it, cause that takes way too much time. Just donate it! People need it!

  5. Fold the clothes as soon as it gets out of the dryer. Listen to your mom! It is so much easier to do little by little than all piled up days, weeks, months later! Just do it! Load by load! You Marie Kondo’d your drawers last year and you’re still keeping up with that! Routine becomes habit, see? So stay on top of this!

  6. Read more. Why on God’s green earth do you have so many books if you don’t read them?!?! DO NOT PICK UP YOUR PHONE EVERY TIME YOU GET BORED, LITTLE LADY. READ! You already know what wisdom you need more of in your life. Read those books. And while you’re at it, PLEASE keep reading more and more to your girls.

  7. Laugh more, yell less. You’re not starting strong this year on this one missy. Stop yellin’ at those girls when they do something wrong and lower your voice. Speak gently and watch their response change too. Be a voice of reason, a voice of love and a voice of laughter everywhere you go.

  8. Date more. Get out your calendar and start planning! Ask for help when you need it. Hire someone when you can. BUT DO NOT STOP DATING THAT BALD BEAUTIFUL MAN!

  9. Cook dinners 5 nights a week. Yes, you’re reading that right. And you are on a great run so far! Use your menu board, go grocery shopping often for fresh items, and cook! Your hubby loves it, your kids love it and you’re actually loving it too. But please remember to not waste any leftovers! Plan your meals wisely.

  10. Be intentional with the girls’ activities. You bit off more than you could chew last year. Your life is NOT easy right now. With Everly’s therapies and the business it is not feasible to drive those girls to a million activities right now. So choose them wisely. And don’t just sign them up for stuff cause YOU want it for them. Instead sign them up for things they will truly love. Focus on each child each month and alternate activities so they each get their time.

  11. Eat breakfast. period.

  12. Workout 6 days a week. Continue to use your calendar as you have and plan out your exercises. Be intentional in your workouts and try to run 365 miles this year! You feel better about yourself when you’re in shape and you’re much happier too. Stay on it.

  13. Talk on the phone to those you love more. Why are you such an introvert when it comes to the phone? PICK THAT DANG PHONE UP AND TALK TO PEOPLE THAT LOVE YOU! Don’t be shy. Don’t prioritize other things over that. Do it.

  14. Have more girls’ nights. You have so many amazing girlfriends Amy. Let them REALLY know just how much you love them.

  15. Plan out 4 vacations. Be very intentional and plan for 1 vacation every quarter this year. Nothing crazy big, but some time where you and the family get away.

  16. Clear off your phone and computer. You’ve had this on your goal list for 3 YEARS. make this your year Amy Lou. Think about how devastating it will be if you lose all of that stuff! Clear it off, back it up and don’t let it happen again.

  17. Stay on top of your morning devotionals. Don’t slack off. Go to bed at 10 pm every night, so you can start every single day at 5 am with the Lord. Set you alarm, don’t turn it off, wake up and make your coffee and just be PRESENT with Jesus. and for the life of me (you), DO NOT pick up that phone first thing in the morning. Roll over, kiss your husband and head downstairs. You get so much more done when you don’t start your day on that dang phone.

  18. Go after the 3 big goals you have for the business. You know what they are, I don’t have to write them here. They are SO DEEPLY rooted in your heart, Amy Lou. GO AFTER THEM. At least start. You will regret it next year if you don’t start.

  19. Hire help when you need it. Sitters, business help, etc. Don’t be scared to do that. Budget for that and do it.

  20. Donate more. You’re up to over $25,000 with Mission 31. Can we make it $31,000 this year? Donate $6,200 this year. Let’s do this.

  21. Move. You got a big move coming up this summer. To where? Who knows. But start making the necessary moves now to make that move easier. Moving is a goal in itself. You got this.

  22. Continue to study our world. Continue to learn about politics and finances and climate and culture and religion and always always always be open and willing to listen to others and to learn. Knowledge is power. You are a bright young lady. Don’t ever stop reaching for more knowledge.

  23. Eat more veggies. Try to eat a serving of vegetables every day! (and try to “FORCE” the kids to eat one period…)

  24. Organize the home. You will launch a 6 month organization challenge on the blog soon, and I want you to implement every word of that into your own life. Organize and stay organized. Your future self will love you for it!

  25. Blog. You love love love writing. It’s your journal of life. And Amy…it’s your legacy. Never stop writing. Blog once every week if you can, and if not every couple weeks. Leave your mark on this world.

    honorable mentions…wash your face every night + take down your Christmas decorations before summer! (ha!)


How will I make it all happen?


And a few trusty paper planners.

One thing the Army taught me so well was the value and necessity for long range planning. It’s one of the first things we do when we’re given a new mission or task. How do we fit “x” into our training calendar, and what are the ramifications of placing “x” there.

I have my personal planner, which holds all of my personal deadlines, doctor appts, tv shows I can’t miss (ha!) and so forth.

I have my workout calendar, which is a visual reference for my daily workouts to ensure I’m targeting my entire body each week and to keep track of the miles I run. I also just love checking things off as I do them!

And I have my business calendar, which holds all of my Ever Co launch dates and deadlines, collaboration and partnership deliverables + timelines and anything that deals with blog or IG content.

These planners are one of the first things I’d grab (aside from my family) if our house caught on fire.

And no, I’m not a tech gal, so don’t try to switch me to something online hehe. My husband’s been trying to convert me for 8 years. But you can’t teach an old dog new tricks; I’ll stick to my paper and pen. ;)

But even more important than writing all of these things down?

Communicating them.

One of my FAVORITE days every month is when Blake and I turn off our phones, turn off the TV and sit at our kitchen table and synch our lives. We do it at the beginning of every month and then we do a quarterly sit down too for a bigger picture view of the year.

I share all of the girls’ school requirements, medical appts, extracurricular activities, business timelines, planned vacations and so forth that he needs to know about, and he adds them to his Google calendar.

He then goes over any work requirements he has that will require him to be in the office all weekend or away from the family for an extended amount of time. He also goes over our family finances with me to ensure everything we are doing is keeping us on budget so we can continue putting 50% of our paycheck into savings or investments every month. Similarly (he does our business accounting) and he goes over that to ensure we are on glidepath to a profitable year.

This ensures we both grant each other enough space to do what’s important in our own lives and to ensure we are prioritizing our family amidst it all too.

It’s our way of synching our ever so busy lives and communicating important events so that we don’t miss out on things. It also allows us to each bring a different piece of pie to the table so we are each pulling our own weight.

And you guessed it…

All for balance.


And guess what?! If you’ve kept reading this far, you’re in for a treat! I created this FREE printable for you to download and print for your own goal setting adventures! Or you can just save this JPG below to your phone and write on it via Instagram stories or in a drawing app to jot down your goals that way too!

My plan is to look this over every month and reflect on my progress/adjust goals where necessary!



I hope and pray this message brought you something useful as you plan your goals this year.

I pray that in seeing me write out my goals that you will write out yours.

But mostIy just pray you too can find balance in your year, however that may look, so that you are equal parts filled with abundant life and equal parts filled with abundant joy + love.

Happy goal setting.

XX, Amy

PS be sure to pin these images if you want to reference back to it in the future!


It’s finally here! The ultimate gift guide for any holiday, any celebration and any person! (***Note that most kid’s gifts are for children 10 and under)


It’s easy! Just find the item on the gift guide you’re interested in learning more about, find the number in the text below the image, and then click on the title of that product. It’ll take you directly to the link to shop!

These are all items we have, have had or plan to use and have tons of research on! So these all come highly recommended!


  1. Hunter Boots - you can’t ever go wrong with Hunters! We have them in so many colors and I love how easily the girls can slip them on and off themselves!

  2. Wooden Clock - help teach the kiddos how to tell time! We love this timeless classic!

  3. Magnatiles - our #1 favorite toy used for years!!! The kids will never outgrow them1 Heck, we even play with them still! I love how much they allow kids to use their imagination!

  4. Wooden train track set - Another favorite toy around the house that I’m sure the girls will use for years! They are so compatible with many other train sets too!

  5. Riding bee - and a ton of other animals too! We LOVE these for around the house! They’re so good on carpet and hardwood floors and the kids have a blast on them. Highly recommend!

  6. Construction Truck Set - comes highly recommended and will be getting this for the girls! A great way for them to learn about tools!

  7. Letter set - A great tool to teach early learners letter recognition and it doesn’t hurt that it’s cute too!

  8. Bookbags - our #1 recommended book bag for kids (and adults) of all ages! We have the burnet orange and pink and plan on having the girls keep them for a few years! They’re the best.

  9. Toy nativity set - A great way to teach children the true meaning of Christmas all year round!

  10. Balance Bikes - come highly recommended and are on our girls’ Christmas lists this year too!

  11. Riding Swan - just the pretties little riding swan there ever was. Great for a playroom! Our girls still use their riding piggy and are almost 3 and 5!

  12. Helmets - The best bike helmets in the world! And easy to add stickers onto to customize!

  13. Picnic Table - our popular picnic table is back in stock and the girls LOVE playing on it outside all year long! Holds up so well!

  14. Water Bottles - Can’t recommend these water bottles enough! They hold up so well, are easy to clean and our girls love them!

  15. Magnetic blocks - On our girl’s list and we love how much these magnetic tiles allow kids to use their imagination to build!

  16. Play Kitchen - our most asked about toy in the house - this play kitchen! Takes a long time to put together, but well worth it! It’s held up through 2 moves and our girls have played with it for years now!

  17. Arithmetic set - a great way to teach kids numbers and simple arithmetic!

  1. COOP pilow - just the BEST pillow you will ever use in your life, sure to give you a good night’s sleep and completely adjustable to your liking!

  2. Wine stopper - If you’re anything like me and take your time on wine, then get this device which keeps your bottle completely fresh even after a few days!

  3. Airpods - I never knew how much I needed these for running and listening to podcast until I had them. Now I can’t live without them!

  4. Monogram mug - a great gift for a special teacher or friend in your life and you can get it with the letter of their first name making it even more special!

  5. Espresso machine - only the biggest and best investment piece for our kitchen we’ve ever made.

  6. Ugg Slippers - THE BEST slippers you’ll ever wear in your life. Your feet will thank you!

  7. Photo printer - A great tool to have on hand at the house for those last minute printing needs! And so you don’t ever lose your favorite pics.

  8. Vans - cause every lady needs a pair.

  9. Monitor - My favorite, cheap, bluetooth monitor that I can check from my phone!

  10. Pajamas - MY #1 FAVORITE pajamas in the world and seriously give me a better night’s sleep.

  11. Cordless Vacuum - the most important item every mama and daddy needs in their home. We use it every single day!

  12. Luggage Tag - Another great gift for a special teacher or friend who loves to travel and also comes with a monogram so makes it even more special!

  13. Car stopper - you’ll never realize how much you needed this thing until you have it. Then you’ll wonder what you’ve always done without it! It stops anything from falling between your seats!

  14. Spanx - another must have lady essential for the wardrobe! Wearing mine today as I type this!

  15. Leather Jacket - My favorite jacket in my wardrobe! So flattering!

  16. Diffuser - the prettiest little diffuser for your essential oils!

  17. Foil Cutter - another must have accessory for wine lovers! Cuts off the foil perfectly each time!

  18. Blow out hair dryer - The blow drying brush that gives you a blowout every single time! In half the time! (makes my hair silky smooth for days!)

  19. Reusable snack bags - We use these every day for everything! The best little reusable bags for snacks on the go, makeup, and hair ties plus more!

  20. Headrest Hooks - these hooks are lifesavers in the car!!! You can hang purses, diaper bags and shopping bags from the hooks to keep the car clean and they’re great for to hang ipad cases from too!

  21. Wine opener - the ultimate wine lover’s tool that makes opening a bottle like magic!!

  1. Child carrier - the ultimate child carrier for the hiking family! We’ve had this for both kids and it’s still in near brand new condition! Highly recommend!

  2. Love and Respect book - the best Christian based book for marriages! A great read for men and women alike!

  3. Bike trailer - we absolutely love this bike trailer and have used it all year long! The girls have so much fun in it too.

  4. Yeti coffee mug - my husband’s favorite mug cause it keeps cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot!

  5. Airpods - the best accessory for apple users (but wireless earbuds for any cell phone users are a great gift!)

  6. Patagonia vest - got this for Blake this year and it is such a great staple piece for his wardrobe!

  7. Multihead screwdriver - the ultimate gift for any man! (and woman!) I LOVEEEE this gadget and it stays in our kitchen and we use it all the time! it has every screwdriver head you need!

  8. Luggage tag - love how simple and personal these luggage tags are! Great for men and women! and super cheap!!

  9. Monitor - Our favorite, cheap, bluetooth monitor that I can check from my phone!

  10. COOP pilow - just the BEST pillow you will ever use in your life, sure to give you a good night’s sleep and completely adjustable to your liking!

  11. Wagon - our favorite wagon for lugging kiddos + sporting equipment + more around on trips and at the beach!

  12. Car stopper - you’ll never realize how much you needed this thing until you have it. Then you’ll wonder what you’ve always done without it! It stops anything from falling between your seats!

  13. Cordless Vacuum - the most important item every mama and daddy needs in their home. We use it every single day!

  14. Reusable snack bags - We use these every day for everything! The best little reusable bags for snacks on the go plus more! Great for guys on the go!

  15. Espresso machine - only the biggest and best investment piece for our kitchen we’ve ever made.

  16. Pour over coffee maker - a simple, modern take on the classic pour over that works amazing and tastes great!


If you liked anything you saw and wanna help spread the word, please pin any of the images in this blog post or the one right above so others can find it too! That’s also a great way to bookmark this blog for future reference by pinning it on pinterest!

Happy holiday shopping!

XX, Amy



I wasn’t planning on updating last year’s summer reading list (you can find it here) until I realized there were SO many other great summer books to add to our collection!

We’re big fans of displaying books for the current season or holiday on our shelves (linked here) and the girls love changing them out so often! When we aren’t displaying them, I keep our “nicer” books in a locker until their appropriate season comes around. I’ll do this until they’re older and really know how gentle they must be with the books. BUT we exposed them to nicer books early to truly teach them how delicate they are, and it’s been great for us!

This season’s books are all about gardens, the sun, family adventures, the outdoors and of course water! We hope you enjoy!



  1. JABARI JUMPS - $13.21

    Working up the courage to take a big, important leap is hard, but Jabari is almost absolutely ready to make a giant splash.

    Jabari is definitely ready to jump off the diving board. He’s finished his swimming lessons and passed his swim test, and he’s a great jumper, so he’s not scared at all. “Looks easy,” says Jabari, watching the other kids take their turns. But when his dad squeezes his hand, Jabari squeezes back. He needs to figure out what kind of special jump to do anyway, and he should probably do some stretches before climbing up onto the diving board. In a sweetly appealing tale of overcoming your fears, newcomer Gaia Cornwall captures a moment between a patient and encouraging father and a determined little boy you can’t help but root for.



It’s time to learn about the sea’s most feared (and most misunderstood) residents: sharks!

Owen Davey returns to nonfiction to explain the mysteries of those denizens of the deep. Some deadly, some not-so-deadly, and almost all just generally misunderstood. Exciting and detailed illustrations fill the page and educate young readers about these thrilling residents of the sea! Delivering information with the same whimsical text and brash illustration that saw his previous book win the affection of the Wall Street Journal, Smart About Sharks is sure to have teeth!


3. PEARL - $13.52

"Rich colors wash over the pages of Caldecott Honor author-illustrator Molly Idle's story of a young mermaid who learns that even small actions can achieve big results." - Seira Wilson, Amazon Editor

Caldecott Honor author-illustrator Molly Idle dazzles with an original mermaid tale about how small, persistent actions can achieve great things.

Sometimes the tiniest light can shine the brightestLike the other mermaids of the deep, Pearl longs to care for the endless beaches, coral reefs, and towering kelp forests of her vast ocean world. So when her mother asks her to tend to a mere grain of sand, Pearl is heartbroken. It takes all her patience and determination to discover how even the littlest mermaid can transform the world.

Caldecott Honor-winning author and artist Molly Idle has masterfully crafted a modern classic in this mesmerizing tale about the immense power of small actions.


4. MERMAID SCHOOL - $12.32

Starting school is always exciting... especially when you're a mermaid! From schools of fish to the A B Seas, this whimsical underwater tale puts a fun twist on what to expect on the first day of school.

It's Molly's first day at mermaid school, and there's so much to learn! Follow the mermaids as they count clamshells, recite the A B Seas, and make new friends. They even enjoy story time about children who walk on land! At the end of the day, it's time to sing the goodbye song and head home. With sweet, rhyming language and a peek into a fantastical undersea world, Mermaid School touches on all the major moments children will experience on their first day. And don't miss the mermaid school handbook in the back of this book for more mermaid fun!



In this gorgeous companion to the acclaimed Over and Under the Snow and Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt, Kate Messner and Christopher Silas Neal bring to life a secret underwater world. In this book, readers will discover the plants and animals that make up the rich, interconnected ecosystem of a mountain pond. Over the pond, the water is a mirror, reflecting the sky. But under the pond is a hidden world of minnows darting, beavers diving, tadpoles growing. These and many other secrets are waiting to be discovered...over and under the pond.



In this international bestseller from the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Amelia Earhart, the American aviation pioneer.

When Amelia was young, she liked to imagine she could stretch her wings and fly away like a bird. As a grown woman, she set a new female world record for flying up to 14,000 feet. She also flew across the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, and eventually undertook the most dangerous mission of all: to fly all the way around the world. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the aviator's life.

Little People, BIG DREAMS is a best-selling series of books and educational games that explore the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream.

This empowering series offers inspiring messages to children of all ages, in a range of formats. The board books are told in simple sentences, perfect for reading aloud to babies and toddlers. The hardcover versions present expanded stories for beginning readers. Boxed gift sets allow you to collect a selection of the books by theme. Paper dolls, learning cards, matching games, and other fun learning tools provide even more ways to make the lives of these role models accessible to children.

Inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world with Little People, BIG DREAMS!



Celebrate the tender story The Little Gardener with a beautiful new cover in the updated 2018 edition!

There was once a little gardener and his garden meant everything to him. He worked hard, very hard, but he was just too little (or at least he felt he was).

In this gentle, beautiful tale, Emily Hughes, the celebrated author of Wild, departs from the larger than life Wild-girl of her debut to pursue a littler than life Gardener, in a story that teaches us just how important it is to persist and try, no matter what the odds.

With delicately woven tapestries of illustrated magic, Hughes once again transports us to a world not unlike our own, while still brimming with fantasy and wonder.


8. YELLOW KAYAK - $10.90

A child and his beloved best friend go on a grand sea adventure in this magical picture book by the author and artist who created If I Had a Little Dream.

You just never know what a new day will hold if you are brave enough to find out. On one quiet afternoon, a boy and his special friend’s unexpected adventure bring joy and excitement and sights never imagined. And the best part of any adventure is returning home with stories to tell and you best friend at your side.


9. LOVE THE EARTH - $12.32

The final book in the New York Times bestselling trilogy, following Touch the Earth and Heal the Earth. by Julian Lennon, Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter, philanthropist, photographer, and bestselling author.

Jump aboard the White Feather Flier, a magical plane that can go anywhere on Earth! This time, Lennon’s book immerses children into an interactive and unique journey where they can:

  • Plant milkweed gardens and soar with the butterflies.

  • Build schools where girls and boys will be safe to learn and follow their dreams.

  • Clean the oceans and beaches and help endangered dolphins, turtles, and whales.

  • Explore the planet, meet new people, and help make the world a better place!

    The Flier’s mission is to transport readers around the world, to engage them in helping to save the environment, and to teach one and all to love our planet. Just press a button printed on the page and use your Imagination Power to make the Flier glide through the air or transform into vehicles that will help those in need.

    An inspiring, lyrical story, rooted in Lennon's life and work, Love the Earth is filled with beautiful illustrations that bring the faraway world closer to young children. The book includes words to a special poem written by Julian Lennon, specifically for Love the Earth.


10. TODAY - $14.15

Every day is full of endless possibilities - especially TODAY!

The simplest moment has the potential to become extraordinary in this beautiful book by Julie Morstad. From getting dressed, to having breakfast, to choosing ways to go, Today has a little something to delight everyone.



Journey through the beautifully hand-lettered messages by award-winning illustrator Jessica Hische. This uplifting and positive book - now a New York Times best seller - encourages kids to promise that tomorrow, they will try new things, do their best, and be brave.

Tomorrow I'll be all the things I tried to be today:
Adventurous, Strong, Smart, Curious, Creative, Confident, & Brave.
And if I wasn't one of them, I know that it's OK.

Journey through a world filled with positive and beautifully hand-lettered words of widsom, inspiration, and motivation. As this book reminds readers, tomorrow is another day, full of endless opportunities--all you have to do is decide to make the day yours.


12. WHALE IN A FISHBOWL - $12.32

A moving, poetic story about a whale in captivity who longs for the ocean . . . because whales don't belong in fishbowls, do they?

Wednesday is a whale who lives in a fishbowl smack dab in the middle of a city--it's the only home she's ever known. Cars whizz around her and people hurry past; even the sun and moon circle above. But if she leaps high enough out of her bowl, Wednesday can see it: a calm bit of blue off in the distance. When a girl in a paisley dress tells Wednesday "You belong in the sea," the whale starts to wonder, what is the sea? Readers will cheer--and get all choked up-- when, one day, Wednesday leaps higher than ever before and sets in motion a breathtaking chain of events that will carry her to her rightful home. Touching, and ultimately uplifting, here is a story about a lonely creature longing to be free--and longing to find someone just like her.



Take a tour of America's great outdoors and discover the beauty and diversity of its most iconic and majestic national parks. Packed with maps and fascinating facts about the flora and fauna unique to each of the 21 parks portrayed, this lushly illustrated coast-to-coast journey documents in large format the nation’s most magnificent and sacred places—and shows why they should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Explore Florida's river-laced Everglades, travel down the white water rapids of the Grand Canyon, trek across the deserts of Death Valley, and scale the soaring summits of the Rocky Mountains with this book that brings you up close to nature's greatest adventures.

Divided by region (East, Central, Rocky Mountains, West, Tropics, and Alaska), a pictographic map at the start of each section shows the locations of the parks to be covered. Each park is introduced by a stunning, poster-worthy illustration of one of its scenes and a summary of its makeup, followed by individual illustrations of the animals and plants that make their homes there.

Captions provide captivating information about the wildlife. Did you know that Everglades National Park is home to marsh rabbits who paddle through its swamps searching for herbs, flowers, and other plants to nibble on? Or that the pronghorn antelope of Badlands National Park are the continent’s fastest land animals, sprinting up to 60 miles per hour to escape predators like bobcats and coyotes?

“Can you spot this…?” page at the back challenges you to find a pictured critter or plant for every letter of the alphabet.

The parks include: Acadia, Badlands, Big Bend, Biscayne, Bryce Canyon, Channel Islands, Death Valley, Denali, Everglades, Glacier, Glacier Bay, Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains, Hawaii volcanoes, Isle Royale, Mesa Verde, Olympic, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, Virgin Islands, Yellowstone, and Yosemite.


14. NATURE’S DAY - $13.74

This first book of nature helps young readers to discover the world of wildlife on their doorstep. Beginning in spring, this book revisits nine different places, including the farm, the back yard, and the woods, during each of the four seasons through the year and explores the changing scenery and animal life found there. Informative and fun text teamed with gorgeous, decorative illustrations make this the perfect book to celebrate each season with.



Following the wild success of The Big Book of Bugs and The Big Book of BeastsThe Big Book of the Blue is the third installment in Yuval Zommer’s beloved series. Alongside everything the young oceanographer needs to know, Zommer’s charming illustrations bring to life some of the slipperiest, scaliest, strangest, and most monstrous underwater animals.

The book opens by explaining how different types of animals are able to breathe and survive underwater, and the different families to which they belong. Subsequent pages are dedicated to specific creatures, including sea turtles, whales, sharks, stingrays, and seahorses, and show varied life in specific habitats, such as a coral reef or deep sea bed. The Big Book of the Blue also explores the underwater world thematically, looking at animals in danger, learning how to spot creatures at the beach, and discovering how to do our part to save sea life. Beautiful and filled with fascinating facts, young, curious readers won’t be able to tear their eyes away from the page.


If you loved this blog post, be sure to pin an image in this post or this image here so you can always reference it! And so it can spread over Pinterest so others can see it too! Thanks so much for reading, and we sure do hope your summer bucket list adventures are going SWELL!

Happy Memory Making!

XX, Amy



Every year we share our bucket list for the summer, fall and winter and our Summer Bucket List (updated) is here! This is a free downloadable printable that you can print at home or at your local office supply store!

Here’s my encouragement: this is not a “do everything here” bucket list. This is a list of ideas and inspiration for you and yours to make memories this summer. So whether you do one item or all 50, we hope lots of memories are made in your sweet homes and beyond! Nothing here is crazy wild, just simple and full of love.

Happy memory making!


And here are some pictures from our summer bucket list adventures thus far! We’ll continue updating it throughout the summer as we mark items off our list.


If you want to reference this list in the future, be sure you pin this image above or any image within this post! That way you can come back to it!

Thanks for following along on our family adventures!


Finally! Our much anticipated Spring Reading List (and Easter Book favorites) is here!

You can see our Summer Reading List faves here, our Halloween faves here (where you can also see the link to our shelves), our Christmas faves here, our Valentines faves here, our St. Patricks faves here, and our Black History Month faves here!

You can also read more about why we love books so much in our Summer Reading List blog post. They’re near and dear to our hearts. This year for Spring, we decorated with all things flowers, bunnies and the great outdoors! Enjoy!

To find the link to a book, simply click on the book title as you scroll through this post and you will be taken directly to the Amazon Prime link! Yay for fast shipping in time for Easter baskets!!


Here are our books styled on our shelves! The girls loveeeeee them.

P.s. Their pajamas are found in our Easter Basket roundup here! The Easter headbands are from The Daydream Republic and their necklaces are Coral and Cloud!

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  1. That’s Me Loving You - $13.96

    From the author of the New York Times bestselling author of I Wish You More comes a book that promises continuous love and makes the perfect gift for fans of Emily Winfield Martin's The Wonderful Things You Will Be and those looking for something new to add to their shelves next to the classic The Runaway Bunny.  
    Wherever you are,
    Wherever you go,
    Always remember
    And always know. . . 
    That feeling you always have in your heart?

    That's me loving you.
    Amy Krouse Rosenthal captures parents’ desire to be ever-present in this simple and touching poem offering reassurance of their love. Signs of affection can be found in the natural world around us—from a soft breeze to a shimmering star. 

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2. The Swing - $7.23

"How do you like to go up in a swing?" 

Delightful images by Julie Morstad bring to life Robert Louis Stevenson's classic poem The Swing. Share this gorgeous board book with your baby or toddler and revel in the magical images and words.

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3. Dear Bunny - $15.81

A little girl writes to her bunny, telling him all the things she likes when they're together, from how he blows on her porridge to cool it down to playing in the park and holding hands at the zoo. As they adventure the world, they see big things, small things, creatures, colours and wonderful surprises wherever they go, but at the end, the little girl realises that the thing she loves most is her bunny! With a simple message about learning to be grateful for the things we have, most especially our loved ones, this is an ideal bedtime picture book.

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4. The Good Egg - $16.19

A #1 New York Times bestseller!

From the bestselling creators of The Bad Seed, a timely story about not having to be Grade A perfect!

Meet the good egg. He’s a verrrrrry good egg indeed.

But trying to be so good is hard when everyone else is plain ol’ rotten.

As the other eggs in the dozen behave badly, the good egg starts to crack from all the pressure of feeling like he has to be perfect.

So, he decides enough is enough! It’s time for him to make a change…

Dynamic duo Jory John and Pete Oswald hatch a funny and charming story that reminds us of the importance of balance, self-care, and accepting those who we love (even if they are sometimes a bit rotten).

Perfect for reading aloud and shared story time!

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5. Today

Every day is full of endless possibilities - especially TODAY!
The simplest moment has the potential to become extraordinary in this beautiful book by Julie Morstad. From getting dressed, to having breakfast, to choosing ways to go, Today has a little something to delight everyone.

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6. Honeybee - $9.88

Buzz from flower to flower with a sweet honeybee in this timely, clever, and breathtakingly gorgeous picture book from critically acclaimed author Kirsten Hall and award-winning illustrator Isabelle Arsenault.
What’s that?
Do you hear it?
You’re near it.
It’s closer,
it’s coming,
it’s buzzing,
it’s humming…
With zooming, vibrant verse by Kirsten Hall and buzzy, beautiful illustrations by Isabelle Arsenault, this celebration of the critically important honeybee is a honey-sweet treasure of a picture book.

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7. Yoga Bunny - $9.98

Relax and unwind with Yoga Bunny!

It's a perfect day for yoga, and Bunny is practicing his poses and wishes his friends would do yoga with him! But Lizard is too tired, Fox is in a rush, and Bird has the hiccups. Will Bunny ever be able to get his friends to slow down and realize that yoga just might be the solution to their problems?

Akin to I Am Yoga by Susan Verde, Yoga Frog by Nora Carpenter, and Good Night Yoga by Mariam Gates, Yoga Bunny helps readers wind down as they learn beginning yoga poses, from downward dog to tree pose. Brilliant author-illustrator Brian Russo shows readers just how relaxing yoga can be.

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8. National Parks in the U.S. - $20.40

Explore Florida's river-laced Everglades, travel down the white water rapids of the Grand Canyon, trek across the deserts of Death Valley, and scale the soaring summits of the Rocky Mountains with this book that brings you up close to nature's greatest adventures.
Divided by region (East, Central, Rocky Mountains, West, Tropics, and Alaska), a pictographic map at the start of each section shows the locations of the parks to be covered. Each park is introduced by a stunning, poster-worthy illustration of one of its scenes and a summary of its makeup, followed by individual illustrations of the animals and plants that make their homes there.
Captions provide captivating information about the wildlife. Did you know that Everglades National Park is home to marsh rabbits who paddle through its swamps searching for herbs, flowers, and other plants to nibble on? Or that the pronghorn antelope of Badlands National Park are the continent’s fastest land animals, sprinting up to 60 miles per hour to escape predators like bobcats and coyotes?
“Can you spot this…?” page at the back challenges you to find a pictured critter or plant for every letter of the alphabet.
The parks include: Acadia, Badlands, Big Bend, Biscayne, Bryce Canyon, Channel Islands, Death Valley, Denali, Everglades, Glacier, Glacier Bay, Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains, Hawaii volcanoes, Isle Royale, Mesa Verde, Olympic, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, Virgin Islands, Yellowstone, and Yosemite.
A book to be treasured by children and adults alike, National Parks of the USA serves to inspire the adventuring naturalist in all of us.

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9. Bunny Roo - I Love You - $7.99

In a gorgeous picture book that’s playfully sweet and visually captivating, New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr and talented new illustrator Teagan White celebrate the many ways parents make their new babies feel at home.
The world can seem like a big, bewildering place for new babies—fortunately, their mamas know just how to soothe and comfort them. Through enchanting scenes portraying all kinds of mama animals looking out for their little ones, the mother in this story reassures her baby, and young children everywhere, that their caretakers will always love them and keep them safe. This beautiful picture book has the feel of a classic and its heartwarming premise should make it a family favorite.

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10. Cat and Bunny - $9.98

From the heartwarming text to the adorable illustrations of little kids dressed as animals, there's so much to love about Mary Lundquist's debut picture book, Cat & Bunny. Cat and Bunny. Bunny and Cat.

It's always been just the two of them—daydreaming, having adventures, playing their special game. Until the day someone else asks, "Can I play?"

Mary Lundquist captures all the charm and magic of first friendship in her winning debut picture book.

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11. How To - $14.48

This imaginative ‘how to’ book explores whimsical ways of doing a host of different tasks, including ‘how to wonder’,  ‘how to see the breeze’, and ‘how to be brave’.  With text and images by award-winning illustrator Julie Morstad, this book will be beloved by all ages. How to read this book? That is up to you!

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12. You Belong Here - $14.54

The stars belong in the deep night sky, and the moon belongs there too, and the winds belong in each place they blow by, and I belong here with you. So begins this classic bedtime book, richly illustrated by award-winning artist Isabelle Arsenault. The pages journey around the world, observing plants and animals, everywhere, and reminding children that they are right where they belong. A beautiful title for new babies, adoptive families, and children of all ages.

You are a dream that the world once dreamt,
And now you are part of its song.

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13. The Little Gardener - $16.15

Celebrate the tender story The Little Gardener with a beautiful new cover in the updated 2018 edition!
There was once a little gardener and his garden meant everything to him. He worked hard, very hard, but he was just too little (or at least he felt he was).
In this gentle, beautiful tale, Emily Hughes, the celebrated author of Wild, departs from the larger than life Wild-girl of her debut to pursue a littler than life Gardener, in a story that teaches us just how important it is to persist and try, no matter what the odds.

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14. Hungry Bunny - $12.85

It's fall, which means it's the perfect time for mama's apple pie. The only problem? These apples are hard to reach! But Bunny has some ideas. Young readers will delight in using the red ribbon to help Bunny reach new heights and pick those tasty apples. But the fun doesn't end there! Readers will also rock the book back and forth and turn it round and round for a one-of-a-kind roller-coaster adventure on Bunny's way home. Claudia Rueda shakes up the reading experience once again in this delightful sequel to Bunny Slopes.

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15. Wil Spring Be Early? - $9.98

Crockett Johnson's charming book about a groundhog searching for signs of spring is now back in print! First published in 1959, this edition of the funny story about a Groundhog Day mix-up features refreshed cover artwork ready to delight a whole new generation of readers.

With slightly more text than Harold and the Purple Crayon, this book is great for beginning readers or for reading aloud with little ones. Pair it with Crockett Johnson's Time for Spring for even more snow-turned-to-springtime fun!

16. We Are The Gardeners - $11.99

In We Are the Gardeners, Joanna and the kids chronicle the adventures of starting their own family garden. From their failed endeavors, obstacles to overcome (bunnies that eat everything!), and all the knowledge they've gained along the way, the Gaines family shares how they learned to grow a happy, successful garden. As it turns out, trying something new isn't always easy, but the hardest work often yields the greatest reward. There are always new lessons to be learned in the garden!

You and your children can learn all about the Gaines family's story of becoming gardeners in Joanna's first children’s book—starting with the first little fern Chip bought for Jo. Over the years, the family's love for gardening blossomed into what is now a beautiful, bustling garden.

Julianna Swaney’s illustrations bring the Gaines family garden to life with colorful, whimsical watercolors and invite you to enjoy the beauty of a thriving garden.


If you loved this blog post, or want to be able to reference it in the future, be sure to pin this image above or any image in this blog post for easy reference in the future!

Happy Reading!

XX, Amy



It’s officially been the longest break I’ve taken from the blog, but I’M BACK!

I’ve rounded up my favorite Easter Basket favorites from both big box stores (like Amazon, Target, Walmart) and from small shops that I’ve found on Instagram! You can simply tap the title of the product to be taken directly to the Instagram shop or to the store’s website to check out what they have!

What I love is that many of these ideas are also GREAT for other holidays, gift options and stocking stuffers! So be sure to pin this blog post to reference it in the future if you need a gift idea for a little one!

Happy Easter Basket making!


First up, BIG BOX STORE ideas!

Above, you can see all of these items in the girls’ joined Easter basket. These are products I’ve tested and believe in! Not just sharing for no reason. I am a believer in practical items that the girls can use for a long time! (just added to a cute basket to doll them up a bit, hehe!)

  1. Bunny Lunchbox - cutest little lunch box for boys and girls! Insulated and fits a lot! I also love that its easy to spot clean with soap and water! (other colors available too, but my girl LOVES bunnies!)

  2. Jammies sets - I love a good quality, affordable set of simple basic pajamas, and I LOVE that these come in a million colors to choose from! The price is great for a simple basic set too! (and amazon prime is a bonus, of course!)

  3. Instant Printing Camera - LOVE this as a gift for any holiday / season of the year, but it’s small enough to fit in a basket. I love it cause it’s a great time of year to gift it right before all of the summer adventures that’ll be made! It’s like a polaroid camera, just not so vintage. ha!

  4. Best water cup EVER - Let me tell you, the girls have dropped these a million times and they still look brand new, but I’m SO in love with all the colors they come in! They’re stainless steel, easy to clean and keep their water cold! Win win!

  5. Bouncy Balls - no matter how old, the girls LOVE bouncy balls. We love these the most because they aren’t super hard so if they accidentally get hurt, they don’t hurt their little faces/bodies. I get the big set and before a road trip or airplane trip we give them a new one to play with! They love them so much!

  6. Kinetic Sand - I RAVE about this stuff constantly, and any holiday we go through, I tend to get a new bag for the girls because it is OUR MOST played with activity! Amazing for fine motor skills, very limited mess and so much fun!!!

  7. Toothbrushes - It is a tradition to get the girls a new toothbrush every Easter and Christmas for baskets / stocking stuffers. Practical and a fun tradition!

  8. Chalk - But this is our favorite brand! It’s a great price, comes in the BEST fun colors, draws sooooo well and the best part is that the company has a great mission.

  9. Doodle pads - we LOVE taking these on road trips and airplanes. They’re easy to put inside a bag and the girls can use so much imagination with these!

  10. Bandaids - kinda like toothbrushes, these are another must have for Easter and Christmas for us!

  11. Quality leggings - we’re in that fun transitional period called spring, and I love these simple basic leggings that come in various colors and are super cheap! (size up if concerned about sizing)

  12. Burp cloths - whether you use these for what they’re meant for or simply just want them for the gorgeous pattern (me) they’re a stunning addition to a basket. We actually use them as baby doll swaddles and they work perfectly!

  13. More pajamas - these are the ones I raved about during Christmas time, and they are the softest jammies the girls own! I sized up for longer wear and they’re amazing quality and a great price!

  14. Peppero - these are the only sweets going in the girls baskets, and they love them! I am half Korean, so the girls are a 1/4 so we love these Korean treats!

  15. Water Beads - just like kinetic sand, water beads are a must have for indoor and outdoor play! But especially since we are getting into outdoor playing season, you must try these out. Great for sensory play and fine motor skill development!

These are the pajamas listed in the # 2 link. Everly is 4 wearing a size 5 and Hadley is 2 wearing a size 3. I always size up for longer wear. Their faux Birkenstocks are linked here and are soooooo cute! The bows are from Indy and Pippa and the purses are from Little Moon Leather which will both be linked below in the shop small basket!


These are the pajamas linked in # 13. Sooooo comfy and soft!


This is a look at the leggings listed in # 11. Both girls are wearing the 3-5. Tees from Jean and June!


And now for the small shop Easter Basket finds! I am A BIG BELIEVER in shopping small and supporting small business because now we are one! So be sure to check out these shops for ideas for any future gift giving needs! You’ll fall in love with the ladies behind these shops too!

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And here’s some closeup shots of the shop small basket!

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If you wanna be able to reference anything in the future, be sure to pin one of the images above so you can come back to it! At the end of the day, we pray that we never forget the meaning of the season and how important it is to remind our littles to not get lost in the Easter Basket goodies.

Thank you and God Bless!



I think my most anticipated blog post every season are the book roundup ones, and I am totally okay with that because they are the most fun for me to do!

I have always loved childrens’ books, and it is so fun to now share that passion and love with my girls!

Each season (holiday) I decorate our book wall with new books to match that season or holiday.

Here you can see my Summer Book Reading List roundup.

Here you can see my Halloween Book Reading List roundup.

Here you can see my Christmas Book Reading List roundup.

And now, here begins my Valentines roundup!

Our book wall. Shelves are linked here ($12.99 each) and you can see more of our book wall @amylouhawthorne.




1. Coco Chanel - $11.96

What they say : Following the death of her mother, Coco spent her early life in an orphanage, where she was taught how to use a needle and thread. From there, she became a cabaret singer, seamstress, hat maker, and, eventually, the world's most famous fashion designer. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the designer's life.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : It teaches self love and self worth and that no matter where you come from, you deserve happiness and joy.


2. I am Enough - $14.24

What they say : I Am Enough is the picture book everyone needs, and it's now a New York Times bestseller and the picture book winner in the Goodreads Choice Awards! This is a gorgeous, lyrical ode to loving who you are, respecting others, and being kind to one another—from Empire actor and activist Grace Byers and talented newcomer artist Keturah A. Bobo. This is the perfect gift for mothers and daughters, baby showers, and graduation.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : It teaches this: We are all here for a purpose. We are more than enough. We just need to believe it.


3. A Little Princess - $9.15

What they say : Adams and Oliver team up again to teach literary-minded tots the importance of friendship in A Little Princess: A BabyLit® Friendship Primer. Each page introduces Sarah’s friends with text from the original novel, A Little Princess, showing little ones that friends can be found in surprising places.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : A book that simply teaches the power and authenticity of true friendship and loving they neighbor.


4. Part of My Heart - $19.99

What they say : A simple and heartfelt children's book about a baby heart and where it came from. This sweet story is perfect for explaining to preschool children the emotional truth of how a new baby is made and what they mean to the parents. Also makes a charming Valentine's Day or new baby gift.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : The best way to explain to young kiddos how love is the spark that makes a baby and how special babies are to moms and dads.


5. Romeo and Juliet - $9.99

What they say : Get swept away by Little Master Shakespeare’s tale of two star-crossed lovers in Romeo & Juliet: A BabyLit® Counting Primer. Count friends, kisses, love letters, and roses in this charming retelling of Shakespeare’s famous story of young love. Since parting from such a lovely little book will certainly bring feelings of sweet sorrow, you may find yourself re-reading 'till it be 'morrow!

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : One of the most popular stories of love of all time matched with the cutest simplest illustrations. Need I say more?


6. Love is a Truck - $11.98

What they say : Graphically appealing two-color illustrations pair perfectly with a spare, rhythmic ode to beloved trucks of all kinds - from fire trucks to dump trucks to ice cream trucks, the sweetest trucks of all - and to the kid who loves and collects them, Love Is a Truck follows Love Is a Tutu (our ballet-inspired ode to tutus and toe shoes) in our Love Is series. A smaller square format with thick, sturdy pages, make these little picture books perfect for young readers, ages 2-6, and for reading aloud again and again.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : The cutest book for little kiddos who love their toy trucks! Love doesn’t have to just be between people. Love is a universal language!


7. Love is a Tutu - $11.65

What they say : This beautifully designed and playfully illustrated novelty board book is the perfect starting point for tiny ballerinas and parents alike. Sweet and spare rhymes prance across the pages, engaging the reader with real ballet terms and plenty of pink. Parents and toddlers together will sigh Bravo as they turn off the light.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : The perfect book for littles who love to dance and twirl around in pink!


8. Beautiful - $13.39

What they say : Every girl is unique, talented, and lovable. . . .Every girl is BEAUTIFUL.
Much more than how one looks on the outside, true beauty is found in conquering challenges, showing kindness, and spreading contagious laughter. Beautiful girls are empowered and smart and strong!

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : Another book to teach the power of loving yourself and knowing you are beautifully and wonderfully made!


9. Edie - $13.98

What they say : Edie is a funny, well-intentioned force of nature who leaves a trail of damage wherever she goes. Olivia meets Fancy Nancy.
Edie is EVER so helpful. In fact, helping is one of the things she's best at! Some might even say she's too good. 
Whether it's helping her family wake up bright and early with an extremely loud song, brightening up the walls of her house with lots and lots of colorful paint, or styling grandpa's hair in the latest fashion . . . while he's fast asleep, sometimes Edie needs to be reminded not to be quite so helpful. Perfect for fans of Olivia, Fancy Nancy and Eloise -- a joyful celebration of good intentions gone wrong.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : Just the sweetest book with the cutest illustrations that teaches every kid that it is such a joy to be helpful and that it does not go unnoticed! Even if they mess up. ;)


10. Paris - $6.36

What they say : "This sophisticated and eye-catching introduction to shapes using the landmarks of Paris brings something special to a concept board book." - Seira Wilson, Amazon Editor
Introducing Hello, World, an exciting new board book series that pairs early learning concepts with colorful, stylish illustrations of cities around the world.
Paris is a treasure trove of fascinating shapes: there are triangles at the Louvre Museum, rectangles at Notre-Dame Cathedral, arches at the Arc de Triomphe, and stars in a beautiful Parisian night sky. Explore shapes all over Paris in this gorgeous board book!

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : A book about shapes and the City of Love?! What could be more perfect for Valentines! But even better…this price is unbeatable!!!!


11. Love Is - $10.48

What they say : Perfect for any fond gift or tender moment, this story of a girl and a duckling who share a touching year together will melt hearts old and young. In this tenderly funny book, girl and duckling grow in their understanding of what it is to care for each other, discovering that love is as much about letting go as it is about holding tight. Children and parents together will adore this fond exploration of growing up while learning about the joys of love offered and love returned.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : The sweetest book that teaches a lesson of caring for and loving those things that matter most to us. The sweetest story of friendship!


12. Bunny Roo I love You - $7.99

What they say : In a gorgeous picture book that’s playfully sweet and visually captivating, New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr and talented new illustrator Teagan White celebrate the many ways parents make their new babies feel at home.
The world can seem like a big, bewildering place for new babies—fortunately, their mamas know just how to soothe and comfort them. Through enchanting scenes portraying all kinds of mama animals looking out for their little ones, the mother in this story reassures her baby, and young children everywhere, that their caretakers will always love them and keep them safe. This beautiful picture book has the feel of a classic and its heartwarming premise should make it a family favorite.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : The sweetest book for a mama and new baby. A story of love for littles and the bond between mother and baby.


13. Bloom - $12.75

What they say : Elsa dared to be different, and her story will not only dazzle, it will inspire the artist and fashionista in everyone who reads it. By the 1930s Elsa Schiaparelli had captivated the fashion world in Paris, but before that, she was a little girl in Rome who didn’t feel pretty at all. Bloom: A Story of Fashion Designer Elsa Schiaparelli is the enchanting story for young readers of how a young girl used her imagination and emerged from plain to extraordinary. As a young girl in Rome, Elsa Schiaparelli (1890–1973) felt “brutta” (ugly) and searched all around her for beauty. Seeing the colors of Rome’s flower market one day, young Elsa tried to plant seeds in her ears and nose, hoping to blossom like a flower. All she got was sick, but from that moment, she discovered her own wild imagination. In the 1920 and '30s, influenced by her friends in the surrealist art movement, Schiaparelli created a vast collection of unique fashion designs—hats shaped like shoes, a dress adorned with lobsters, gloves with fingernails, a dress with drawers and so many more. She mixed her own bold colors and invented her own signature shades, including shocking pink.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : A book that teaches the power of searching for beauty all around. A lesson of loving what inspires you and going after your dreams!


14. The Pink Umbrella - $12.59

What they say : Perfect for fans of Amélie, this is a charming story about the power of friendship, love and pink polka dots to turn rainy days into sunny ones and sadness into joy.
When it's bright outside, Adele is the heart of her community, greeting everyone who comes into her café with arms wide open. But when it rains, she can't help but stay at home inside, under the covers. Because Adele takes such good care of her friends and customers, one of them decides to take care of her too, and piece by piece leaves her little gifts that help her find the joy in a gray, rainy day. Along with cute-as-a-button illustrations, The Pink Umbrella celebrates thoughtful acts of friendship.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : A story of love and friendship that teaches us that we all have gloomy days and the sun doesn’t always shine, but friends can lift each others’ spirits up and the sun will always rise!

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15. The Wonderful Fluffly Little Squishy - $15.42

What they say : Eddie is five and a half, and thinks she is the only one in her family who isn’t really good at something.  So when she hears her little sister say “birthday—Mommy—fluffy—little—squishy,” it’s extra important for her to find this amazing present before anyone else does.  So, gregarious, charming, clever little Eddie goes all around the neighborhood to all her fabulous friends—the florist, the chic boutique owner, the antiques dealer, and even the intimidating butcher—to find one.  It’s a magical adventure that draws on Eddie’s special gifts, ones that she herself learns to appreciate.

Why I think it’s perfect for Valentines : My favorite story. The story that shares how much our littles just wanna make us happy and make us smile. Now THAT is love.


Now for pajamas! I tried really hard to find pajamas that were “valentines-y” per say, but I realized that coming off the holiday season, so many of us are just trying to save money and not spend spend spend! So, I’m doing something a little different this season and bringing you cute + comfy + CHEAP pajamas that I found on Amazon that work PERFECT for Valentines! The “girls” ones come in a soft pink, dark pink and purple color which are all perfect for Valentines! But what I love even more is they are so comfy, can easily be sized up to last a longggg time AND they’re cheap! The girls are 2 and 4 and actually both in the size Large 4-5 here. I sized up for extended wear and they work because the wrists and ankles are tight enough to keep them on but loose enough to stretch and grow with them. The “boys” options are more on the cool color side and would be perfect for other holidays, but regardless they are amazing pajamas for all year long so I had to share! I will definitely be getting these in more colors and recommend them for your littles!

Here they are linked here AND ONLY $15!!!


If you loved this post or want to reference it in the future, be sure to pin this picture! You can come back to it at any time to find the best love books for kids and these comfy pajamas! Thanks for reading!!!



It has truly been so fun sharing our home with you and your family this season. With this being our final Christmas in this sweet little North Carolina home, I wanted to make it extra special for our family. I added little touches of Christmas everywhere throughout our home and the decorations even ventured upstairs this year which was so fun to do! So here is a little peek into our home for the holidays. My biggest tip : do whatever makes your house feel like home. However much, however little, do what makes your family feel the joy and believe in the magic of this season.

Thanks for checking our our home and Merry Christmas!

A wonderful Holiday treat: Bagel crisps + creamy brie + Trader Joe’s sugar plum jam.Favorite holiday plates from Anthropologie last season, but these are cute too!

A wonderful Holiday treat: Bagel crisps + creamy brie + Trader Joe’s sugar plum jam.

Favorite holiday plates from Anthropologie last season, but these are cute too!

My little coffee stealer.

My little coffee stealer.

Add a fun DIY orange garland in your kitchen for instant holiday spirit.

Add a fun DIY orange garland in your kitchen for instant holiday spirit.

Messy + beautiful.

Messy + beautiful.

Sisters, sisters.

Sisters, sisters.

Our holiday book collection was so fun this year! and so were the girls Christmas jammies. You can find the book selection here and the jammies here.

Our holiday book collection was so fun this year! and so were the girls Christmas jammies. You can find the book selection here and the jammies here.

These were such a fun DIY. We add to our collection ever year with about 10 new ornaments. This is a DIY I learned from Aubry from Hello Maypole and is so easy! Just plastic or glass ornaments, pour a little over a tablespoon of acrylic paint into t…

These were such a fun DIY. We add to our collection ever year with about 10 new ornaments. This is a DIY I learned from Aubry from Hello Maypole and is so easy! Just plastic or glass ornaments, pour a little over a tablespoon of acrylic paint into the ornament and shake shake shake until the paint covers the inside. I then added pretty little ribbon adornments to them all!

The sweetest magical moment from Hadley’s second birthday celebration. Twinkle lights + balloons + magic.

The sweetest magical moment from Hadley’s second birthday celebration. Twinkle lights + balloons + magic.

And here’s our 4 year olds birthday dream come true. Waking up to balloons over her bed was magical! And we also add to our paper snowflakes collection each year too!

And here’s our 4 year olds birthday dream come true. Waking up to balloons over her bed was magical! And we also add to our paper snowflakes collection each year too!

Our mantel is easily a favorite. It changes often, but it’s typically a mirror or large picture surrounded by trees. You can find the sources on my IG but most stockings are found here and the mirror is here.

Our mantel is easily a favorite. It changes often, but it’s typically a mirror or large picture surrounded by trees. You can find the sources on my IG but most stockings are found here and the mirror is here.

Such a sweet moment captured on self timer of me reading my girls books.

Such a sweet moment captured on self timer of me reading my girls books.

Displaying vintage ornaments may be my favorite decor of all time. Just dreamy.

Displaying vintage ornaments may be my favorite decor of all time. Just dreamy.

Love the sweet smell of cinammon + cranberries + orange slices + nutmeg + rosemary + clove in our home over the holidays. Just bring to a boil then simmer.

Love the sweet smell of cinammon + cranberries + orange slices + nutmeg + rosemary + clove in our home over the holidays. Just bring to a boil then simmer.

Adding twinkle lights to the girls room was easily their favorite part of holiday decorations!

Adding twinkle lights to the girls room was easily their favorite part of holiday decorations!

The coffee wall was quite magical this season. Our neighbors came over and enjoyed some hot cocoa with us too!

The coffee wall was quite magical this season. Our neighbors came over and enjoyed some hot cocoa with us too!

Home Alone on REPEAT!

Home Alone on REPEAT!

Fresh garland in alllll the rooms. A classic.

Fresh garland in alllll the rooms. A classic.

These sweet girls just love this open area in front of our tree. This is typically where the train finds itself and it’s like my childhood all over again.

These sweet girls just love this open area in front of our tree. This is typically where the train finds itself and it’s like my childhood all over again.

This is our guest bedroom! and it’s been so sweet having guest enjoy teeny decorations in their room this season.

This is our guest bedroom! and it’s been so sweet having guest enjoy teeny decorations in their room this season.

Our formal tree is in our dining room and the girls have loved looking at these twinkling nights every single night and dancing like sugar plum fairies.

Our formal tree is in our dining room and the girls have loved looking at these twinkling nights every single night and dancing like sugar plum fairies.

Another look at our holiday book wall and the girls are wearing the best little antler ears from Indy and Pippa Co here!

Another look at our holiday book wall and the girls are wearing the best little antler ears from Indy and Pippa Co here!

This is the girls’ playroom (which most sources can be found here!)

This is the girls’ playroom (which most sources can be found here!)

We’ve loved sipping hot cocoa and stringing cranberries this season too!

We’ve loved sipping hot cocoa and stringing cranberries this season too!

and our #HawthorneGirlsChalkArt game is going strong.

and our #HawthorneGirlsChalkArt game is going strong.

GUYS! this pic was featured on ANTHROPOLOGIE! do whattttt?!?! dream come true.
we have a tradition to “feed the animals” when they come out of ornament world hibernation. The girls love doing this so much!

we have a tradition to “feed the animals” when they come out of ornament world hibernation. The girls love doing this so much!

Probably my favorite capture of the entire season. Oh that evening light peeking in through our sunroom. Just magic.

Probably my favorite capture of the entire season. Oh that evening light peeking in through our sunroom. Just magic.

The girls’ twinkle lights in their room at night are so dreamy!

The girls’ twinkle lights in their room at night are so dreamy!

My office even got a little holiday spirit. But don’t pay much attention to my poor little plant! hahahah!

My office even got a little holiday spirit. But don’t pay much attention to my poor little plant! hahahah!


And there ya have it. A look around our home. This is our bedroom and just adding a simple wreath and twinkle lights completely transformed this area into my dreamland.

Night night!


Thank you so incredibly much for taking a look into our home for the holidays! If you loved this post or wanna reference it in the future, be sure to pin an image or this image above for an easy reference in the future!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and thank you for being part of our community!





I’ve created an ultimate shopping list gift guide for kiddos age 0-10 “ish” and most of these items have both boy and girl options available! So even if the picture looks like it’s for a boy or a girl, there is likely a boy or girl option also available! So be sure to follow each link to check out the other options. Most of these are on MAJOR sale this weekend only! You can shop easily by clicking the item title below! Also, many of these items are from small shops like ours, so we LOVE being able to support small business!

Happy shopping for those littles in your life!

  1. Smithsonian Dinosaur Book - We always check this book out from our local library and I found it for a great price, so Everly will get a big surprise this Christmas. She LOVES learning about the dinos in this amazing book!

  2. Cuddle and Kind Mermaid - For every doll purchase, 20 meals are donated to children! A beautiful doll with an even more beautiful purpose!

  3. Banwood Bike - Dream bike. #AmIRight? Enough said haha.

  4. Little Belle Fairy Nightlight - Also the DREAMIEST nightlight! Can’t wait to get this in for the girls. They love fairies and this one is just pure magic.

  5. Moses Basket - Hadley LOVES baby dolls, so she’s going to love putting her babies to bed in this basket.

  6. Fawn Design Mini Bag - The mini bag is the perfect bag for little girls to twin with their mama!

  7. Oli Ella Shopping Basket - The prettiest basket that kids can use to “grocery shop” in play kitchens or to store toys in!

  8. The Daydream Republic Sunglasses - Been wanting these forever. I mean…the girls have been wanting these forever. ha!

  9. TrioKid Stroller - We have the pink Vivi of this and the girls are constantly fighting over it because it’s just THAT good. Gotta get another so they each have one hehe. And the price for the quality is UNREAL.

  10. Patagonia Jacket - A staple. The comfiest, softest, best quality jacket that lasts for so long cause it just fits that well. Also comes in so MANY COLORS!

  11. Picasso MagnaTiles - The girls have a smaller package of these and it’s just not enough. These are THE BEST TOYS we own. They are amazing for sensory processing and the best quality and what we love the most is they grow with the kids. They play with them and imagine with them for hours!

  12. Bravery Magazine - The sweetest, prettiest magazine to teach our girls to be BRAVE!

  13. Kerri Makes Plates - Can’t recommend these personalized plates enough. We have them for almost every holiday and they are truly to die for. AND SAFE IN DISHWASHER!

  14. Dinosaur Hooded Towel - Everly loves dinos and I’ve been searching for one of these forever. She can use this for YEARS!

  15. Anywhere Chair - Can be monogrammed and the cover is machine washable! Win win!

  16. Jet Kid’s Suitcase - So excited for this. The kids can ride on it in the airport AND they can be set under the seat to extend the seat on an airplane for kids to put their legs on! Brilliant!

  17. Tubby Todd Bathwash - Our all time favorite bath products. HANDS DOWN. Our girls have very sensitive skin and it’s the only products we can use that they don’t have issues with. We love all of their stuff!

  18. Fjallraven Kanken Backpack - Everly’s backpack for school and it’s truly the BEST! Pretty, amazing quality, waterproof and washes well.

  19. Smallable Canopy - The perfect addition to a bedroom or playroom to bring the magic! Would be gorgeous in a reading nook!

  20. Range Rover - Hands down the girls all time favorite Christmas gift. We have this one in white, and the review are absurd. They are all about it coming damaged in the mail, and that happens with large items. If it does, just ask for a new one! We love our little range rover!

  21. Rey To Z Hats - The cutest personalized hats for the whole family!

  22. Amelia Earhart Book - We are pilots. This book is gold. :)


If you loved this gift guide, or want to reference it in the future, would love for you to pin this image to a board on pinterest so you can come back to it later! Thanks for stopping by friends! And HAPPY HOLIDAY SHOPPING!




Another much anticipated blog post is here! Our Halloween book post was SO popular, so we’re bringing the same format to you this Christmas season! Below you’ll find all of our favorite holiday inspired books!

You can read more about why we love children's books soooo much here, (which also takes you to our favorite summer book's reading lists), but let's just get right to it. 

Here's our collection of my favorite kid's Christmas books that I think every little kiddo needs in their collection! The best part? They're all available on Amazon Prime! (gotta love that 2 day shipping!)

I love to display the current season or holiday books on these Ikea shelves here in our girls' shared bedroom! (we have 3 x 45 1/4 shelves). They're so good right?!? They're the PERFECT display shelves and you can't beat the price! 



  1. The Nutcracker

    With this colorfully illustrated board book version of the classic Christmas-time ballet, Jennifer Adams and Alison Oliver present a new holiday favorite, The Nutcracker: A BabyLit® Dancing Primer. This board book features soldiers marching, mice prancing, snowflakes swirling, dolls bending, and buffoons skipping as a way to introduce basic movement terms to babies and toddlers.


2. Olive, the other reindeer

Olive is merrily preparing for Christmas when suddenly she realizes "Olive... the other Reindeer... I thought I was a dog. Hmmm, I must be a Reindeer!" So she quickly hops aboard the polar express and heads to the North Pole. And while Santa and the other reindeer are a bit surprised that a dog wants to join the their team, in the end Olive and her unusual reindeer skills are just what Santa and his veteran reindeer team need.


3. The Christmas Wish

Long ago, a brave little girl named Anja wanted to be one of Santa's elves. So she leaves a note for her family and helps her elderly neighbor prepare for the holiday, then she straps on her skis, and heads out into the snowy landscape. From a red bird to a polar bear to a reindeer, a menagerie of winter animals help Anja make her way to Santa. A generous trim-size, matte cover, extraordinary photographs, and foiled title make this a special book for the holiday season.


4. Once Upon a Snowstorm

The story of a father and his son who live by themselves in a cosy cabin in the woods. But, one day they are separated out in the beautifully falling snow. The boy is lost and falls asleep. When he wakes up he is surrounded by blinking eyes, a rabbit, a fox, an owl and all manner of other creatures have surrounded him! But with a bear hug he and the woodland animals become best of friends! But soon he misses his dad and so the animals bring him back home. The father opens up his heart and home, and lets nature and love envelop their previously lonely existence.


5. Little Penguins

Snowflakes? Many snowflakes. Winter is coming. So begins this ever-so-simple story. As the snow starts to fall, the excited penguins pull out scarves, mittens, heavy socks, and boots, and Mama helps them bundle up. But when it’s time to go out, one timid penguin decides to stay home. Filled with waddling baby penguins, playful text, and delightful illustrations, this book feels like a young picture-book classic in the making.


6. The Mitten

When Nicki drops his white mitten in the snow, he goes on without realizing that it is missing.
One by one, woodland animals find it and crawl in; first, a curious mole, then a rabbit, a badger and others, each one larger than the last. Finally, a big brown bear is followed in by a tiny brown mouse and what happens next makes for a wonderfully funny climax.
As the story of the animals in the mitten unfolds, the reader can see Nicki in the borders of each page, walking through the woods unaware of what is going on.


7. Pick a Pine Tree

Part of the magic of the Christmas season stems from the traditions that families and friends take part in every year: hanging up stockings; putting lights in the windows; and, one of the most important of all, picking out and taking home the Christmas tree.


8. The Little Reindeer

An enchanting Christmas story about a magical yet unlikely friendship between a little girl and a lost reindeer sure to be a Christmas classic lovingly told and illustrated with red foil highlights and interactive die cuts.
When a jingling sound wakes her from her sleep, a little girl’s dreams come true when she meets a lost reindeer in the forest. They set off on a magical adventure and it becomes a Christmas never to forget. Nicola Killen’s evocative illustrations are sure to enchant in this beautiful book with die cut pages, foil, and flashes of festive red.


9. Mice Skating

This mouse doesn’t want to stay in the house . . . even if it’s cold outside!
For most field mice, winter means burrowing down and snuggling in. But not for Lucy! She loves snow crunching under her paws and wearing a fluffy wool hat. And most of all, Lucy loves to skate, and she’s just ACHING to show off her new skill with her friends. After all, a winter wonderland is twice as nice when you have friends to enjoy it with. But the other mice just don’t understand—and after a disastrous indoor snowball fight, it looks as if they never will. Can Lucy find a way to make the other mice come out and “mice skate” too?


10. The Little Gift of Nothing

Mooch the cat desperately wants to get his friend Earl the dog a gift for the holidays, but Earl already has everything he needs. "What do you give a guy who has everything?" Mooch wonders. Then it dawns on him: nothing! But it turns out nothing is harder to find than you'd think...


11. Snow Sisters

When snowflakes fall, two sisters react very differently. One is excited and the other is wary. The first sister spends the morning outdoors, playing until she's all tuckered out. Meanwhile, the second sister stays indoors, becoming ever more curious about the drifts outside. Soon, they switch places, and spend the second half of the day retracing each other's footsteps. But each sister puts her own unique spin on activities like sledding, baking and building.


12. The Wish Tree

Charles wants to find a wish tree. His brother and sister don't believe there is such a thing, but his trusty companion Boggan is ready to join Charles on a journey to find out. And along the way, they discover that wishes can come true in the most unexpected ways. 


13. The Great Spruce

Alec loves to climb trees—the little apple trees, the wide willow trees, even the tall locust trees. But his favorite is the great spruce, with its sturdy trunk and branches that stretch up to the sky. Alec’s grandpa planted it as a sapling years and years before Alec was born, and every Christmas, Alec and his grandpa decorate the tree together, weaving tinsel and lights through its branches, making it shine bright.
But one day, a few curious men from the nearby city take notice of Alec’s glistening great spruce, and ask to take it away for their Christmas celebration. Though it’s a huge honor, Alec’s heartbroken at the idea of losing his friend. With great courage and creativity, Alec comes up with a plan to save his favorite tree in this joyful holiday tale.


14. First Snow

In this beautiful book from debut creator Bomi Park, a young girl wakes up to the year's first snowy day. From her initial glimpse out the window to her poignant adventures—rolling a snowman, making snow angels—the girl's quiet quests are ones all young readers will recognize. Simple, muted text and exquisite, evocative art conjure the excitement of a day spent exploring the wonder of snow—and the magic that, sometimes literally, such a day brings. As subtly joyful as a snow day itself, this book will find its home in the hearts of young adventurers everywhere.


15. Olivia Helps with Christmas
Christmas is coming, and Olivia is incredibly busy. She has to wait for Santa, make sure Dad sets up the tree, watch Mom make the Christmas dinner, oversee the care with which the stockings are hung, and, of course, OPEN HER PRESENTS! Whew, being helpful during the holidays is exhausting!


If you loved this post and want to reference it in the future, be sure you pin the images above so you can easily reference it in the future! These would make for great Christmas presents and are just too pretty to pass! Happy reading friends!

xoxo, Amy


The most requested blog post for the holidays is here!

Our “Halloween jammies” blog post was so popular (which by the way-lots of those are on sale if you wanna snag some a size up for next year!), and y’all are begging for Holiday jammies! So here it is! The best holiday jammies I’ve found for kiddos (both boys and girls) plus some extras for mamas and papas that are just so so good!!!


AND BONUS! Here are some favorites for the adults! Many of these have matching kiddo versions, so you can dress the whole family! Just follow the link and search for the matching sets!


My number one favorite Holiday jammies EVER!!!! They’re pricey but the quality is amazing, you get 2 in the pack, they can be worn year around AND THEY’RE GIRLY DINOSAURS which aren’t always the easiest to find! YES YES YES!!!


Here’s a few more I found later in the season that are also must haves! AND ON SALE! The red and grey thermals are here, and the pink snowmen ones are here!


And some more for the adults! Also on sale! 1, red striped jumpsuit is here, 2. THE most comfy pajama pants are on sale here! and 3. The cutest charcoal year round grey jumpsuit here! OH and here’s some awesome mens’ styles HERE and HERE!


If you loved our jammies’ roundup, be sure to pin this image below so you can easily reference it and so others can see it too! We are so grateful for your support!



I’ve been so excited to share with you my favorite Christmas list items this year!

Most of these items are very reasonably priced, but there is maybe (okay yes) one big splurge on there if you’re a coffee drinker. And honestly, this is more of a family present if you’re wanting to make an investment to have Starbucks-like drinks in your home!

I personally own 6 of these items, so they’re coming to you highly recommended. The other 6 are actually on MY Christmas list! (wink wink Blake. ;)

I hope you love these as much as me, and if there’s anything else you love and have on your list, share in the comments below! I’d love to see what you’re asking Santa for this year!




    What I love: I have heard from SOOOOO many people that this pillow is amazing, and I’m also a big believer in Amazon reviews. Those people don’t lie haha! I also oddly enough have very bad allergies to many pillows, and with this one being hypoallergenic it’s a for sure Christmas list item for me!

    What they say: Made in USA. Fully ADJUSTABLE PILLOW with our PROPRIETARY MIX of SHREDDED VISCO ELASTIC MEMORY FOAM - ADD or REMOVE foam to adjust to your comfort, perfect custom made pillow each time - for all sleep positions. Allows greater ventilation - Promotes proper alignment allowing deeper sleep through the night. *PATENT PENDING. REST ASSURED - CertiPUR-US Certified foam. Our pillows are made without ozone depleters, PBDEs, TDCPP, TCEP flame retardants, mercury, lead and heavy metals, formaldehyde, phthalates regulated by the CPSC, or CFCs. Our foam has been analyzed by independent, accredited testing laboratories. WHAT IS IN YOUR PILLOW? Our pillows meet the CertiPUR-US standards for content, emissions and durability, and are analyzed by independent, accredited testing labs. HYPOALLERGENIC & DUST MITE RESISTANT - allergy sufferers no longer need to compromise comfort! EASY TO CARE FOR - MACHINE WASHABLE - 5 Year Warranty - Guaranteed it will not go flat.


    What I love: I’ve been in need of a new straightener since I’ve had the same one for about 10 years (since early college). I’ve heard great things about this one, so this is a must have on my Christmas list! MY NUMBER ONE REASON FOR WANTING IT THOUGH? -there’s an auto off after 90 minutes of non use. And to me, that’s worth it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally left my straightener on, and this feature is golden!

    What they say: LCD digital display. Safety auto off after 90 minutes of non use. Heat up to 380℉ at constant temperature in 15 seconds, takes less time to design a hair style and helps prevent damage.


    What I love: We have this (both Blake and I have one) and for the mama who re-warms their coffee 8,000 times this is for you! It actually keeps my coffee warm longer and I don’t have to rewarm it! Plus they’re actually not bad looking which I love too! It also comes in a MILLION color options!

    What they say: The YETI Rambler 14 oz Mug is the toughest, most over-engineered camp mug out there. The full-loop TripleGrip Handle is comfortable for wider hands, so you can fit your mitts fully around your morning joe. Duracoat color means no scratching, peeling, or fading here. Vacuum insulation keeps cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot until the last sip. No sweat design say adios to damp or frostbit fingers. And of course dishwasher safe


    What I love: Got this tote as an early Christmas/ Birthday present and can’t recommend it enough. If you’re needing a real leather tote that goes with ABSOLUTELY everything AND fits your laptop case, AND will hold up for ALL the years. this is it. Plus, there’s just nothing quite as amazing as the smell of fresh leather! The quality is perfection!!! Love that they’re made right here in the USA too.


    What I love: We also got these as an early Christmas gift for the girls and I and ohhhh my word, I can’t tell you how many compliments we received wearing them! They’re all made with the best quality and the blush pink color is legit perfection. The girls actually LOVE wearing theirs and I love that they will grow with them because the backs are adjustable! So it’s an investment hat for over the years! Plus the modern initial is just the sweetest!!!


    What I love: I’ve had these for 2 years now. They were my babymoon gift to myself before I had Hadley and they are my go - to slippers every day. I love that they have hard soles (which makes them totalllyyyyy appropriate for wearing outside the house haha!) The super soft interior is hands down the coziest ever anddddd I love that they come in a ton of color options! In my opinion, you can’t ever go wrong with Uggs! p.s. I also have these Minnetonka ones, and they too are highly recommended as I’ve had these for about 8 years and they’re still in perfect condition!

    What they say: A water-resistant suede slipper is trimmed with shearling and lined with UGGpure, a textile made entirely from wool but shaped to feel and wear like shearling.


    What I love: I just signed up for another marathon next spring, so these are the gift I’m asking for to make my marathon training so much better! I am so tired of that stinkin’ cord for my headphones, and these will make all my tangle nightmares disappear! I also love that the reviews for these are amazing, which can always be hit or miss with electronic devices!

    What they say: Just take them out and they're ready to use with all your devices, put them in your ears and they connect instantly. Double-tap either AirPod to activate Siri, without taking your iPhone out of your pocket. 5 hours of listening time on a single charge thanks to the W1 chip. iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models with iOS 10 or later Apple Watch models with watchOS 3 or later Mac models with macOS Sierra or later. Made to keep up with you, thanks to a charging case that holds multiple additional charges for more than 24 hours of listening time. AirPods with Charging Case: More than 24 hours listening time,(3) up to 11 hours talk time(6). Need a quick charge? Just 15 minutes in the case gives you 3 hours of listening time


    What I love: I have been wanting this for a few years now and this year I’m really asking for it, because I really want to get better at documenting pictures (and not having them pile up on my phone or computer!) This gives me an easy quick way to print at home, but I ALSO love it because it’s such a perfect printer for putting pictures in my Bible for journaling! I want to start praying for specific people, and this is the perfect answer for that!

    What they say: Printing off social media photos has never been easier from your smartphone. Connect your social media accounts to the free-to-download HP Sprocket App and instantly turn those photos into colorful prints. A Social on-the-go portable printer: Sprocket uses seamless Bluetooth connectivity, so you can set it up at parties and events, and everyone can print their favorite moments from their smartphones or tablets


    What I love: I’ve been eyeing these for years, and I finally got one during a Labor Day sale this year! AND I bet they’ll be on sale so much during the holidays! So this is your time to get one or add it to your list if you’ve been eyeing them too! They’re super trendy, come in multiple colors AND of course the comfiest pullover ever!!!

    For reference, I am around 127 lbs and 5’4” and I got a size small and love that it’s more on the fitted side as seen in the pic below!


    What I love: I am a sucker for cute coffee table books, and this one is just perfection! I obviously love pink, and this one is just the perfect touch to add to our cookbook collection!

    What they say: Home Baked is a beautiful collection of van Boven’s favorite baked goods—warm bread from the oven, sweet banana bread, a gooey cinnamon and caramel pull-apart loaf, rich chocolate cake, shortbread cookies, and more. And alongside these beautiful images of delicious treats, van Boven provides step- by-step instructions for how to make them in your own home. And she leaves no one out—working with different types of flours (including gluten-free) so there is something for everyone to bake. 


    What I love: Blake bought this for me during Prime Day earlier this year, and can I just say I never knew a blow dryer could change your life! hahahah! It’s amazing how much time I save now by actually using a blow dryer that works well! I’m not kidding, this blow dryer is heaven sent and it works so quickly on the girls’ hair too! With a house full of girls with lots of hair (and a hubby with zero hair who just DOESN’T get it ;) It’s important for us to have a good blow dryer!

    What they say: Professional AC motor,1875W high speed could let your hair dry soon, lightweight than other professional blow dryer, perfect for thick hair. Negative Ionic, good for your hair and your healthy, resulting in softer, healthier hair with less static, great to use before flat iron


    What I love: I of course had to add one big splurge on here, and that’s our coffee machine that we get asked about allllll the time. If you’re a coffee snob, and love your espresso drinks from Starbucks, this is a must. Everyone that comes over to our house asks us to make them a cup, and it truly is Starbucks grade. We love coming up with fun new recipes, and we know this was an investment that will last forever. (p.s. it may even follow us to a coffee shop we plan on opening in the future. ;)


Rey to Z hats, Portland Leather Goods tote, and Abercombie pullover seen here.


p.s. if you loved this list, then you will also love my Life Hacks blog post, that is my #1 blog posts of all time! The items found here would also be AMAZING Christmas presents for you and your family, and they’re all cheap! So make sure you visit the blog post here to check out my life hacks on a budget. :)

life hacks.jpg
christmas list mama.jpg

If you loved this gift guide, or wanna save it for future reference, be sure you pin the image above to a pinterest board so you can come back to it! It means so much to have your support and to have you reading! I pour my heart and time in these posts, so your love and encouragement means more than you know! If there’s anything else on your list, let me know in the comments below. Santa needs some things to get too! ;)

Happy Holiday Shopping.